no sympathy needed, no sorrow for me! i choose to live this way - TopicsExpress


no sympathy needed, no sorrow for me! i choose to live this way and this is just how i need it to be! for me! you see? well good! ALL MY GLORY TO THEE! maybe you all arent clear as to what im doing everyday... its been placed on my heart to explain what im doing and why im doing this to the best of my ability! ALL MY GLORY TO GOD AND ALL MY FAITH IN HIM!!! IM CHASING MY DREAM AND PRAYING FOR MY SPIRITUAL FAITH TO BE GROUNDED FIRMLY AND SOLID!!! so before i cross into kansas , from me to you, MY REALITY... i hope you all find it interesting and have a better understanding of how my faith in GOD is working for me... in a nutshell,,, here ya go...have youu ever had an overwhelming feeling about some one place or some one person or some one thing for all of your life??? well, i have, and it is to be homeless... as crazy as it sounds, it is what it is... im not saying im to be homeless for the rest of my life but for now, im choosing to live this lifestyle!i guess you could say,,, im chasing my dream! crazy huh? i already know!i left my house with 4 dollars in my pocket and all faith in THE LORD... before i exited my driveway, a man gave me a one hundred dollar bill! its been going somewhat just like that! i hadnt yet taken 10 steps away and a hundred was placed into my hand! COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED!! im not saying i have it made out here nor am i complaining i have it horribly bad... im doing what i have to do to survive and most of my experiences have been more than pleasant! i dont have much but what i do have, not one nor one thousand people can take it away from me!... that to be MY FAITH! ive been bathing in a creek away from civilization, as well as washing my clothes there... ive been blessed with staying clothed, fed, and watered although i do enjoy skinny dipping mid day with a peanut butter sandwich... and i love it!! im also rolling my own cigs and even enjoy a cold beer from time to time... but i have yet to be intoxicated... the LORD knows i like a cold beer, but its still no excuse... ive collected things here and therebut unfortunately cant keep them due to the weight of my pack...i pretty much have to give them all aeway as soon as i collect them but at least i am able to enjoy the random things for a short time...ive got my mind set back right to head back deep into the road... after i leave this library here in joplin, im mailing a birthday letter to my mom and then crossing into kansas... i actually left my camp yesterday and pushed hard to walk 10 miles into joplin... i dont remember my pack being this heavy before and my feet are in pretty bad shape... blistered horribly... pain every step... PRAYING FOR STRENGTH!!! MY OWN ESTIMATED WEIGHT OF MY PACK IS 120 - 150 LBS, ALONG WITH A 30 - 40 LB. FLAG POLE... last night, i slept under the stars on top of a blue tarp inside of my sleeping bag right smack in the heart of joplin... slept well! grass not concrete... i woke up with the sun cresting over the earth... i ate a bit of trail mix and drank warm water... i had to spread most of my belongings out to decide on what else i should leave behind... I ALWAYS HATE THAT PART!!!for example, rathe than 4 wood chisels, now i have 1... church shoes? passed them on to someone in need...i had 5 pairs of walking clothes, now i have 2... it is what iit is people! im here to survive, not look fashionable! lol! ;) anyways,,, ive had things thrown at me, been made fun of, even have been flipped the finger to my JESUS flag... REALLY!!! if thats all i got in response in my journey, im confident i would quit... i want to tell you what motivates me and inspires me though... this morning as i limped to the gas station to work out the soreness in my feet... cars began honking and waving with their thumbs up to me... i entered the gas station to get coffee in my cup i carry... refills are cheaper! ;) 2 russian men approache me and asked me where i was walking to... i gave them the usual reply with i have no particular destination but i know i am going northwest... then i gave them a short version of my testimony and they seemed inspired and entertained! THANK YOU GOD!!!! THEY BOUGHT MY COFFE AND DOUGHNUT THEN PASSED ME A TEN DOLLAR BILL! IVE YET TO ASK FOR A THING AND GOD IS DEFINITELY GREAT! ALL FAITH PEOPLE!!! and ivwe made it this far! im not saying ill make it all the way to the west coast and back but what i do know is when its placed upon my heart to return home, ill be headed back ASAP... i pray i wrote well and some one gets some use out of my typed words... WE MUST APPRECIATE THE BAD AND THE GOOD, WITHOUT A DOUBT BE THANKFUL TO GOD FOR ALL~!!! EVERY SINGLE THING IN OUR LIVES HAPPENS FOR A REASON, THERE ALWAYS SOMEONE WORSE OFF THAN YOU, AND TOMORROW IS A BRAND NEW DAY.... YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING, SO LOOK FORWARD TO IT, ALWAYS!!!YOU THINK YOUVE GOT IT BAD??? SOME ONE PERSON IS PRAYING TO HAVE YOUR PROBLEMS BECAUSE THEIRS ARE SO MUCH WORSE THAN YOURS! YOU ARE NEVER ALONE IN BAD TIMES!! ALWAYS USE YOUR BAD EXPERIENCES FOR YOUR ULTIMATE ADVANTAGE TO BE STRONGER FOR THE NEXT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS FOR A REASON!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH ABIGAIL AND LOVE YOU FROM THE MOON TO CALIFORNIA!!! and back and back and back!!! ;) im so grateful and in debt to my wonderful mother and father for all the things they continue to do for me! like take great care of my daughter while im away!!! i know that my family and i are finally on the same page with me and understand what it is im doing and why! THANKS MOM!! THANKS DAD!!! and to my facebook family, i hope you all have a better understanding about what im doing and why... after today, it may be awhile before i can check back in and please believe that if its GODS WILL for me to return back home alive and in one piece, ILL BE BACK IN MARION ARKANSAS AS FAST AS I CAN!!! please forgive my pronunciation and spelling for i only had a one hour time limit to type here in this library... i dunno... weird rules!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL and much love from me to you! till next time....
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:47:56 +0000

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