noah goes postal: my kind of movie...uh....maybe? - have you - TopicsExpress


noah goes postal: my kind of movie...uh....maybe? - have you noticed all the bible-themed movies lately? wow, youd think the apocalypse was just around the corner. oh wait: thats the idea. somewhere this morning on NPR was a story addressing this. seems biblical themes do well just after wars. (note cecil b. demille, et al, after WWII.) im a Darren Aronofsky fan for sure: if Pi wasnt enough to sell me on him, Requiem for a Dream did the trick. and then there was Black Swan....ooooooh.....swoon! his movies may be a mess, but theyre definitely a glorious lethal euphoria, to borrow from my fave surf band, the Mermen, S.F., and, yeah, thats a heck of a lot more than most things that play the metroplex. After what seemed like years of buzz, ballyhoo, and controversy—the Evangelical complaints, the studio recuts, the endless test screenings, and the eventual restoration of Aronofskys original vision—the apocalyptic epic Noah finally arrives in theaters on Friday. It is not, unfortunately, a great movie. But in an age of commercial anxiety and creative caution, its a welcome respite all the same: a strange, earnest folly thats ultimately much more interesting than another slick, empty success. -Daily Beast gotta take a chance and see this mess - not a russell crowe fan and i dont even believe in the possibility of religious movies being anything but maudlin or camp (religious experience, by definition, cant be portray/filmed and even a good bible story almost always comes off as camp [a humorous failure] once the camera records it.) but im always up for a wild ride. this might be it. Aronofsky, like Cronenberg, makes films about the Beast Within. thats the one that scares me, not the demons on city streets or government/s or whatever, and i guess that makes this old heathen pretty religious by judeo-christian standards. ;-)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:00:41 +0000

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