not a negative poem. god understood, love comes to life im sick - TopicsExpress


not a negative poem. god understood, love comes to life im sick of seeing myself and my family need substance to feel good. im sick of watching the same patterns of madness cycle before my eyes; people begging to be heard through dishonest words, trying to make me understand how lost they are. i know how lost this world is, i feel all that pain. i feel the pain of those locked in padded rooms, restrained while their mind tortures them as they slowly and painfully await death. i feel the pain of people, whether you deem them innocent or not, as theyre restrained, raped, violated of every human right we are born into. i feel the pain of the voiceless, animals that arent given a chance, tortured, slaughtered, and spit out into the mouths of selfish ignorant people. im so sick of fear, of the blatant ignoring of all of the obvious things that make up what some call common sense. compassion, giving away your time and energy. that being said there is so much right with the world. the rebuilding, from the foundation to the most minute of details. the love that radiates from our hearts, that connects us, that unfolds within our raw experience, before our human eyes, beyond attempting to perceive it for anything less than what we can understand. love. im nothing short of blessed. every day builds up to the breaking down of truth. hotter and colder, more lost and more understanding. constant contradictions, but the love makes it all worth it. when im not enough for myself, love is. the most selfless love. not just the physical kind you cuddle with at night, or the intimate kind, in which you share your embarrassing secrets with someone that relieves you of guilt and begins healing you, but the most selfless love, thats beyond a person or place or thing or idea. the trust that you know love will provide because its the only thing that ever truly has. the love that gets you through lonely nights because you know when you experience that love its enough to fill up every empty cup. no cup is ever empty, no drop ever spilled. every dirty deed, every pill you eat, every counterproductive judgement you think, is not what you think it is. you arent empty, you never were. while youre busy crying, wasting your time making excuses, not truly addressing your inner and outter violence, your angels are celebrating in music and laughter, with some other human having miraculous experiences rather than disaster. your thoughts become reality, were truly powerful. and love is more in sync with our higher selves than anything has ever been. giving up your idea of self and dedicating your life to helping people get off the shelf. we are angels and all we have is wealth. like a yin yang symbol, heavens within babylon. serious contrast, you get to pick which side youre on. and if you choose the path of righteousness that i believe we all came here to be, its really really truly miraculous when you finally see and admit to how innocent, magical, effective, powerful, and awesome we can truly be. our realest selves we wish to see. we already are these angelic beings, lost in thoughts thatve turned into habits and collective greed and fear. the love that you lack is already right here. you can hear it a billion times but you must truly believe, before the effects are something you can conceive. when you do, seeds you will plant, knowingly, with ease, psychic as an ant. nothing is a matter of proving yourself, but spreading the light that is wealth and health. never needing to question self. love flows, miracles grow. ever present, ever growing, always humbly asking for help. not afraid to shake you from your obvious discomfort, i have nothing to lose, only everything to gain. the lostness is real but thankfully lost is not your name. thankfully everything is temporary and its all happening now. love is moving us from being stuck on what and how. those things will come when we deserve to know, until then we devote our lives to helping love and light flow. ommmmmmmmm i deserve love as much as everyone else, so i will give everything i have in the name of the intuition and love that moved me to this place. i dont need praises i just need you to move from your stagnant place. words are reality and reality is temporarily real. waking from fearfulness, love not only heals, it is happy and free, ever taking new forms, swinging through the forest like tarzan through cosmic trees. my memories been wiped a billion times, purely my soul likes to rhyme. beauty and love seek growth and transcendence of space and time. depth is deeper than all of your lives. quit drinking, smoking, abusing your life, we all share a body and im too young to be this tired. immediately growth is required. harmony is being asked of you, keep ignoring it and we will begin anew. if you dont care, you surely will, act upon your fears so you can help. help the lost, the seemingly dead. help the inactivated rise from the metaphorical bed.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:42:03 +0000

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