notes from last nights Bible Study: The Necessity of the Cross of - TopicsExpress


notes from last nights Bible Study: The Necessity of the Cross of Christ/The Power of the Cross There is great, grave danger in any religion or organization that circumvents the necessity of the Cross, each individuals need for finding Gods grace and forgiveness through the doorway of the cross of Christ. Matthew 16.24 Then Jesus told HIs disciples If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. 1 If anyone would come after Me... this, for me, is a no brainer. My dis-satisfaction and misery is due to halting between two opinions, my longing for the smile of God. i will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms... 2 let him deny himself...[deny-affirm that one has no acquaintance or connection with someone; to forget ones own self and ones own interests] this is an answer to my prayer for revival, to make a clean break from all that i may have been even just moments ago. Jesus, my Teacher, has called me this morning, i will seize for myself no acquaintance with who is was. 2A But God forbid that i should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and i to the world. Galatians 6.14 i want to suggest that maybe we need to quit looking back in history to the day of our salvation; perhaps we need a fresh crucifixion, a new dying... 2B look at the wonderful, beautiful promise of Isaiah 1.18 Come now, let us reason together...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow... The context here equates to the saints of God, those who have lost their way, or in rebellion, had ran the opposite way from God. 2C In Christ, through the blood of His cross, we have forgiveness of our sins (Ephesians 1.7, Romans 3.21-28), justification (Isaiah 1.18). A person can change their deeds from bad to mostly good and still die without having been justified by God. To be dead and unjustified is to be condemned, damned, in unreconciled depravity. 2D ...and what of our depravity? 3 (let him) take up his cross... [cross- a well known instrument of most cruel and ignominious it were affixed ...the guiltiest criminals, particularly the basest slaves, robbers, the authors and abettors of insurrections...even upright and peaceable men also.. from Blue Letter Bilble] To me, the cross speaks of our depravity, all mens depravity. The cross was the instrument used to display the reward of those whose depravity went unchecked. It was the sign of the wrath of Rome against what it deemed unrighteousness, and, it meant death sure and certain. Jesus answer to our depravity is this cross. Believe Him, take Him at His word, denying myself, taking up my own cross. The man with the cross was dead to the world, and the world would soon be dead to him. 3A But, what of the depravity that we bring to the cross? Are we doomed to live under its continuous dominion? Is there Biblical evidence concerning the overthrow and continued subjection of our depravity? Can one be justified by God and remain content in depravity? After having been given the beautiful white garment of the righteousness of Christ, can we honestly immediately march right back to uncleanness? Is there evidence for the power of God over depraved people? Is there evidence for the supernatural outworking of righteousness in the life of the saint? 4 Evidence for the power of God over depraved people: 4A 1Samuel 10.9 has these compelling words God gave him (Saul) another heart... this warmed me, oh that God would give a person another heart! 4B 1Samuel 19.20-24 finds this same Saul setting himself as an adversary of Gods man, and consequently, of God. And yet still we see the Spirit of God arrests this adversary, and baptizes him once again in HIs presence. Saul determines yet to remain under the power of his depravity. 4C Saul of Tarsus, from the book of Acts, shows us the supernatural power of God over a depraved man. 5 Supernatural outworking of righteousness in the life of the saint: some examples are Galatians 5.16,, 22-25, Colossians 3.1-14 What better way to start a New Year than with another heart, a new life! i hope this proves useful to some, it has truly warmed me this week. love yall rb
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:52:33 +0000

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