nothing like a rough reminder to start your birthday. yesterday i - TopicsExpress


nothing like a rough reminder to start your birthday. yesterday i was a little down thinking how i was about to be another year older, another year gone by with goals not met and things not accomplished. then last night i was woken by ambulances and fire trucks surrounding the house and half the block. my neighbor, who isnt much older than i am passed away last night from what appears to be possible drug OD. My heart breaks for his mother who is left behind , the pain she will have today and the days following dealing her loss. But I am thankful also. I am thanksful that i have the option to be another year older. I am thankful that even though i have not gotten to where i may wish i was in life that i have another day, year, the rest of my life to meet those goals. I am thankful that i woke up today to see this beautiful spring day and that i am loved so much by my husband, family and friends that i dont have to turn to things that will destroy me to get thru the day or to find comfort, like so many people do today. so yes, i am another year older, another year closer to 40, another year closer to being an old lady and i am loving it today!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:30:20 +0000

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