now most important post of the day is about mothers day on sunday. - TopicsExpress


now most important post of the day is about mothers day on sunday. this was my mum who died in 2001 aged just 54, pictured with my dad. Jacky and Billy, as everyone more or less knew them, they were adouble act in every sense of the word and jst as funny with it too....if you wondered who my greatest comedy inspirations were besides tommy cooper eric and ernie and ken dodd peter kay etc. anyway mothers day is still an important day whether your mum is here or not to remember the good and happy times our mum;s brought us. the stuff they did for us the stuff they tought us and how they brought us up. i know it sounds so firking cheesy but remember nearly everything we are as people today emanates and comes from these important people. my parents were responsible for shaping so much of who i am today. they tought me so so much good things and some bad habits probs too, but as Louise l. Hay says they can only teach you what they knew and were taught at the time. im not ashamed to say it i loved my parents, my mum as dad called her was a very special lady, she would do anything for you most of the time putting anyone else before herself. but that is just one of a million gazillion qualities that make mums special. my old lady as i called her was dewsburys very own IT girl!!! she was out 8 nights a week and was just so funny and the stories she could tell you would have you laughing so much, either that happened to her directly or to others like mi dad. i remember when he worked on local market years ago thinking he got lots of discount on things she sent him off to work one day with four slices of dry bread and 50p n told him to get some fish n chips!!!! or if she was baking chrimbo cakes you couldnt bang a door in the house it was more than your life was worth!!! but one of my absolute faves are the ones where we jokes so much she was in a hurry to get out she sprayed mr sheen on her hair instead of hairspray HA HAA HA HA or when her and our sharon took our dog out one night after going out together and the dog brushed ast her quickly and mi mam ended up in the garden rosebush!!!!! she blamed the dog but we know i was the 82 halves of ale shes supped earlier!!!! that story makes me smile even now and warms my heart. so remembe our beloved mums on mothers day this sunday and spoil them silly. as remember we only get one mum!! x
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:51:06 +0000

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