While the - TopicsExpress

   While the war starts to grow & grow.... killing more & more humans & destroying all possible life, creativity & beauty on its way....I feel the need to tell you about my day yesterday , my morning today & 17th of tamuz next tuesday. I hope it gives you some faith in human nature & our precious life in Mother Earth in these very sad & difficult times. As the birth - day of HH Dalai Lama was ending & we were gathering in mourning of our beloved & wise Rebbe Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi I happened to meet someone Lisa Naomi Beth Talesnick I havent seen in many years...she works as a teacher at a highschool in Beyt Hanina ( East Jerusalem). One of her students happens to be the cousin of Muhamad Abu Khder - recently killed & burned alive by Jews in an act of vengeance - So as we were in mourning - close students & friends - remembering Reb Zalman .... his amazing paradigm shifts...and how we can learn from them now....for this time & era...I suggested as a נעשה ונשמע act.... to go in that moment in the spirit of compassion & do our part in shaping reality. Our original plan was to go both! to one of the Jewish families of the killed children & to the Abu Khadr family. After getting the news that the Frenkel family wasnt receiving people that day & hoping that soon well get the chance to visit such brave & compassionate family ......We - 6 of us: Rabbi Ohad & Dawn, Rabbi Menachem, Rabbi David Ingber, Ido, Lisa & me went to visit the mourning tent of Abu Khder family in Shoafat ( East Jerusalem). We were escorted into the tense area with outmost respect & gave our condolences to the mourners first to the men, including Muhamads father & then the women, including Muhamads mom. They thanked & felt us close ..... we heard their dispair, rage & brokeness. As today began I was already communicating with the amazing Hadassah Fruman ( widow of dear Rabbi Menachem Fruman zl ) & Ali Abu Awwad an amazing bereaved brother, ex stone thrower & injured in his leg with a bullet by Israeli soldiers turned into a leader of non violence liberation in the West Bank. Palestinian non violence leader, Hadassah & others like me, who are calling for a shared fast for 17 of tamuz & Ramadan & specially breaking bread together after the fast - iftar - wherever you are together Muslims, Christians, Palestinians, Jews & anyone who wants to join. In Jewish tradition 17 tamuz rooted in the day when Moses broke the Torah... he received at Mount Sinai after his 40 day retreat, climb & revelation - when he saw the Israelites worshiping a golden calf...and after related to the braking of the wall in Jerusalems Temple ( Beyt Hamikdash) by the imperial conquerors. below a photo and hebrew article of the Palestinian bereaved from Hebron making a shiva call of the Frenkel family. May we keep our body, mental, emotional & spiritual sanity, our love of life , joy & compassion..... in these excruciating moments...... as we watch or hear the news, talk to our friends, listen to pain & anger from all fronts of our lives.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:34:09 +0000

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