obamacare was one way for Obama to wage low level warfare on - TopicsExpress


obamacare was one way for Obama to wage low level warfare on americans. it was not designed to work. this is costing America lives and is another way for Obama to extort right down to the gold in your teeth! Obama is an enemy combatant as is our corrupt governing system! time to retake and hold accountable those that have been treasonous and start living a normal life! there are 165 million American patriot militiamen that take no orders from anyone but have the laws and constitution as our guide to living as we choose. will we win and do not be afraid! whatever conflict we engage in will be over swiftly! those that are not corrupt in Washington have the chance to make the choice to remove Obama from the presidency, or the people will. its just a matter of time and regardless we will know the truth! the order to attempt to disarm americans on their own soil will be the jump-off and fair warning we are a lot more than hillbillies with muskets. arctic strike militia brigade here in Alaska.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:39:50 +0000

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