observation of society part 2 At the end of part one I used the - TopicsExpress


observation of society part 2 At the end of part one I used the word statute law, statute law is defined as a regulation/rule of society, the governing body aka parliament (in this case) are not in power they are elected into office by the people,the common misconception of statute law is it must be obeyed like common law, it is governed by a body of representatives of the people, a body of people whom we employ, we make the choice to choose to obey statute law we give our “consent” Any individual can withdraw their consent to being governed (controlled) by the statutes of a society, in a society where the individual is given the right of free speech, and supposedly free yet standing up for individual rights seems to be so ridiculed, no one reads into one of the most important sectors of the planet. when individuals give away there power to a body of representatives and do not have the ability to withdraw there consent to being governed, tyranny soon follows, the fact of the matter is we do not have to abide these “statute acts of law” the greatest tyranny known to man is this uninformative government. Our rights should be read to us in common mans terms at school, why is it the media do not cover this? why when you do try and breach the subject is it written in such a complex manor?, it appears to me that only a selective group of highly educated logical money makers are the ones that contain this knowledge they do not seem to care for the rights of the people there’s no one in Parliament, exposing this uninformative tyranny, there’s only bad decisions and idiots, the country is run by morons and we all know it, we don’t have to vote, in fact we all have the power to not be governed, so why is it we choose not too? Well allot of us need to be governed we all like having some one tell us what to do, none of us have put aside the time to think things through, we all believe we are nothing more than drones, allot of us think life is about gathering materials having more than others and ll bonds of community have been shattered, everything has been put on a plate for us, a handful of us try to produce our own food, grow our own veg or even take an interest in sustainable energy. we are the people, we are not some push overs, we can all come together to establish a sustainable way of living, an eco friendly solution to all the worlds problems, by being the ones control of our resources then what power does anyone have ? there is no need for war other than to secure more resources than a neighboring country, wealth is not the key goal of life, good health is happiness and well being so why not start taking responsibility as a human and secure your own freedom, I cannot do this alone come on human race get yah gardening gloves on and slowly start learning how to grow crops etc there’s loads we can do, I will soon be posting up more information on sustainability so keep an eye, much love and infinite well being :) hope you enjoyed reading - cameron/rainbow
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 17:12:01 +0000

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