of course, the AVL progressives who clamor about addressing so - TopicsExpress


of course, the AVL progressives who clamor about addressing so called affordable housing while criticizing the Republicans for their supposed corporate bias is total BULLSHIT and HYPOCRISY! its as deceptive as them crying about the voter ID law with claims that its some kind of plot against poor people, while the DMV offers FREE voter IDs for anyone who cannot afford them. the Collectivist scum who continue to be elected in this horrendously governed city by those sheeple who continue to purchase such lies, were responsible for destroying my financial livelihood while simultaneously destroying a green and affordable living situation... and im certainly not alone in this. since 1988 until just a few years ago, i rented my rooms in my Historic Montford Victorian house, beginning in 1988 @ $200/mo., increasing only gradually over the decades until 2010 @ $400/mo. upon being victimized by the City of AVL at year end 2010 with gross natural rights violations, i was forced to raise my rent to $500, then $550, and now $600 in order to try and prevent the corrupted mortgage holder Wells Fargo from foreclosing on my property. the result after all this is that i am now having to sell my property at a major loss quickly in order to pay off this crooked bank which took public funding in the form of the so called bail outs (which both Bush & Obama supported, being the wicked human beings they are), then led me to believe it was going to help me with a mortgage modification, then lied to me and my lawyer falsifying mandated income data to qualify, then dragged out the process further, then told us that they refused to consider my loan modification. this, of course, is what various banks have been doing to Americans since the so called bail-outs. but because the court system is as corrupted as every other branch of this God-forsaken country, there is little to no recourse to these atrocities which are being committed by the banking cartel against the People. and why should anyone be surprised, as the entire Federal Reserve system, along with their crony bureaucrats, are nothing but a bunch of crooks — its a phony money system designed to make the ruling class richer, while the rest of us continue to waller in perpetually and exponentially increasing debt. and of course, Collectivists governing municipalities who do not give a shit about People like me who have yielded a positive asset in OUR community, purposefully cause us all great financial damages from which it seems we will not recover. though i will certainly try to sue the City of AVL for the crimes committed against me, the chances of receiving justice is probably next to nil. yet again, the City of AVL is voting to steal OUR MONEY and give it to (probably non-local) rich developers. but no doubt when its again voting time, the same people living here will continue to elect the same crooks into office. we cant seem to find much recourse at all to the various natural rights violations perpetrated by our own government against us ourselves. every function of government has been corrupted. i only take solace in the fact that what comes around, goes around. and whether you call it karma or justice, every bureaucrat who has engaged in such gross natural rights violations will get theirs in the end. i look forward to leaving the City of Asheville and NEVER again owning property within its borders.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:13:55 +0000

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