officials. But as it was in the 1970s, detente is the French word - TopicsExpress


officials. But as it was in the 1970s, detente is the French word for “wishful thinking.” The price of President Obama’s “new beginning between the United States and Muslims” isn’t just the wrecking of our decadeslong alliance with Israel. And it isn’t even just the unleashing of the revolutionary forces of Islamism that earlier this year brought the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the most wellfinanced terrorist entity in history. The new beginning also means ripping apart our indispensable friendly ties, the fruit of many years of diplomatic hard work, with stable Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This is what the “effective state of détente” between Washington and Tehran, as senior U.S. and Arab officials described it to the Wall Street Journal last week, will end causing. First off, it should be chilling to all Americans that the Islamic State, a metastasis of the believed-dead al-Qaida in Iraq, has been allowed to become a major factor in nuclear negotiations between the U.S. and Iran as a Nov. 24 deadline pressures us to accept a bad deal. Iran’s shrewd, ever-smiling President Hassan Rouhani is dangling increased cooperation with the U.S. against IS — but only on the condition of getting a nuclear deal. The U.S. has even been getting diplomatically cozy with Iranian-backed terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, apparently in hopes of making nice. A détente with Iran would enrage not only Israel, but also the Saudis and other pro-Western Arab powers. Frank Wuco, the former chief of intelligence operations for the U.S. Central Command’s Special Operations Command Central, tells IBD that the negative implications of a deterioration of our relationship with such states extends to our intelligence and military operations. “There is a very thick layer of absolute distrust between the Saudis, especially, and the Iranians, probably right behind Israel in intensity,” Wuco warns. “If they wanted to exact their ire, they could deny us basing rights or other uses of Saudi territory.” And any expected gratitude from Iran, meanwhile, cannot be expected to materialize, according to Wuco. “Neither ISIS nor the theocratic regime in Iran think in terms of borders, but rather that the world is carved up between believers and unbelievers. They don’t view it as us taking action in their favor but rather God taking action in their favor,”he said. Détente between the free world and the communist evil empire was exposed as a naïve fantasy by the Christmas 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. But the event that exposes the foolishness of détente with Iran could be the nuclear incineration of a city.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:57:58 +0000

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