oh al gore. you should have warned us about global cooling. better - TopicsExpress


oh al gore. you should have warned us about global cooling. better yet, you should have warned us about the sun, and rain and snow and undulating jet streams and a weakening gulf stream. did you ever think, maybe the reason the ice is breaking and going out to sea is because there is so much vertical new ice pushing the horizontal ice out? just a thought. now what should be really focus on? good question. id have to say, the real issue is the true well being of the people. better schools, better teachers, more money put in the right places and less secret military spending which is not represented or authorized. less power of the government to make new laws without the peoples consent, less power of the government to take advantage of loopholes and take away the power and rights of the people. less power of the government to use covert emotionally manipulative propaganda and language to weaken the populous. less monopolative power in the media. less power of the government to veto great patent ideas or to buy out great inventions. less power of the government to collude with corporations. less power of corporations to send their money overseas and to evade taxes. less initiative of the justice system to increase the numbers in prisons. less initiative to take children from their parents. ore initiative to encourage, uplift and edify the nation for the sake of our well being. less initiative to make problems for the sake of gaining power. we need to ask for these things, seek these things, talk about these things, make these things our mantra and goal. we need to make little dolls that represent these goals, and make posters, and figurines, and entire clothing lines supporting these ideals. we need to build monuments, the people, with private money, to fight against the powerful symbols of our internal oppression. we need to organize intelligence and action with trained agents who know the system. we need anointed spokes people of our own to speak in our behalf. we need to unite as a people, under a banner of human sovereignty.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:29:07 +0000

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