....oh, and as for the so called police on put in bay. Hiding - TopicsExpress


....oh, and as for the so called police on put in bay. Hiding behind a badge to steal money from innocent tourists for innocuous actions while actual crimes with actual victims go unsolved is not police work. Its called extortion, cowardice, and is insulting to not only those of us who actually DO protect and serve the visitors to South Bass Island, but is an insult to every real police officer that has ever risked their lives standing between malice and innocence while patrolling that fine line between civilization and anarchy. seriously, WTF is wrong with you people? If youre going to steal money from tourists, wear a mask instead of a badge and at least be honest about what youre doing. But hiding behind a badge to commit your crimes makes you dishonorable cowards. Oh, and how about replacing a tail light bulb on your shiny new cruisers once in a while with all that stolen revenue. Quit making more problems and start being real police and part of the solution. Yes, Im accusing you being cowards, thieves, and the felony of extortion. Want to prove me wrong? How about solving the cases of Ruffie rapes, that are so rampant there that they have made the regional news, instead of taking the easy road of just hiding behind your shiny tin badges and handing out revenue generating citations of innocuous non-crimes to innocent tourists that pose no threat to public or your personal safety. I mean, really, $180 for not using a turn signal and $150 for pouring out a half empty beer can on the way to throw it away and calling it a 3rd degree misdemeanor open container violation??? Good GOD, what a travesty and misuse of authority. How do you friggin guys sleep at night? I bring the bay fresh wallets, keep my people safe all day, prevent drunk driving, and take my inebriated clients away at the end of the night. So I protect and serve the Island visitors and village more than you. My Karma is well maintained. So I sleep really well. But theres a special place in Hell for people that use positions of authority to commit personal crimes against innocent individuals. What a disgrace to the badge you dont deserve to wear. Why do I write so harshly/ Because you have no honor and therefore no respect and therefore have displayed your lack of honor and therefore earned my contempt and disrespect first hand. You should work on that.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:19:23 +0000

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