oh my word.. what a horrible day I had.. First it started out - TopicsExpress


oh my word.. what a horrible day I had.. First it started out really bad when I went to print off some important papers and my paper tray was empty. Then I watched this boy rip me off and I seriously chased him down and he handed it back and said that his friends dared him. Then the Canadian lady that gave me the fake check from the fake checking account came in today.. Seriously? After ripping me off and making me bounce my own checks because of her fake checking account had the nerve to show up at my store. First she sent her sister in to see when I closed and Im not even joking she snuck in as her sister was talking to me ... so bizarre. I finally walked right up to her because every time I tried to get a look at her face she would duck behind that stupid maple tree I put up in the middle of my store. Not even kidding. I walked up to her and asked if she was looking for something. I was so dumbfounded she was there. Like I am going to forget the womans face that took me for a few hundred dollars. As Im doing this there was another sister outside slamming her car doors so when I went to go see what was going on the lady was doing something in her trunk. So after I asked she said she was just going thru her purchases. So after watching her for a while I figured she was trying to take the price tags off her Mardens and Walmart purchases and going to my dumpster and getting rid of the evidence to go over the border. The women did not want to claim all of their purchases so why not get rid of the evidence but at the place that you once ripped off? So weird... So then the boy that ripped me off older sister came in with a friend and said her brother accepted a dare and that he didnt mean to do it and that she cuffed him up side the head and wanted me not to be upset. What she really meant was please dont press charges. She sort of gave me an attitude like I was obligated to forgive. Like cmon lady dont be like that so she left I just sat down and feeling defeated .. cried a little like an idiot. So mad at myself for not confronting this Canadian woman and saying something. I hate being caught off guard. Believe me there was more to this day than just this...So after arriving home I was greeted by a neighbor scolding me for driving too fast. Came inside cried some more. But then life just became a little lighter and a little bit better because I just got a phone call from two sweet little boys asking if they can come over to my house and when gigi can pick them up... that.. my friends made all the bad go away. I am now looking forward to visiting these two sweet little boys and it cannot get here soon enough. I need to go buy them strawberry pop tarts ... roll up fruit chews...chocolate milk and an apple. Because thats what he said he likes over the summer and there is no way I am not going to have that here. Funny how something so innocent and so sweet can turn your whole life back around. I hope your day was better than mine. Goodnight.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 00:23:15 +0000

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