oh, yeah, and dont even get me started on the public restroom - TopicsExpress


oh, yeah, and dont even get me started on the public restroom issue: folx: u take your dogs and cats out on leashes and walk them in the parks where i exercise my basic human right & need to sleep, but fail to clean up after them, so first thing when i wake up im stepping in dogshit: yet u stare at me & complain to the managers of PUBLIC businesses when i go in to exercise my basic human right & need to relieve myself in a humanly civilized way; WTF!!!!???? i love animals too folx, i really do; i cant count the number of dogs and cats and rabbits and birds and horses and cattle and snakes and insects and lizards ive had when when i was housed in my earlier life - but, now, just because im a homeless human, i have less rights then your cats & dogs? theres sumthin definitely very wrong w/ that picture, people. & i swear to God, yall business owners & managers better b damn glad that ive allowed him back into my life to help control my behavior, bcuz w/out his guidance, i swear, the next manager of a public business that told me i couldnt use his or her public restroom bcuz i didnt purchase anythin would most definitely wish theyd worn their knee high boots to work that day, after i dropped my drawers & took a dump on their freshly spit-polished $1000 pair of shoes in front of God & everbody....
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:57:38 +0000

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