ohns Gospel and the Word (Logos) opened the Gospel of St. John So - TopicsExpress


ohns Gospel and the Word (Logos) opened the Gospel of St. John So (in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God) is true 1: 1-3 The Bible refers here to the doctrine of creation by word, how did this philosophical doctrine? 1 - the floor when the ancient Egyptians: Says Akkad (1) The beginning was when the ancient Egyptians, as the reason that the risk of him that God creates word, nor creates the hard efforts of the physical movement has borrowed this idea from something he saw, not something discussed and Astqsah, and the earliest of these things visible to him is the ability of the magician the impact of the word say it and control objects and celestial Giants Balhmanmh and incantations, a hit of speech, hence the doctrine of Ptah (or opener) when the Egyptians (2) the ancients, was Ptah god of Memphis as stated in one of his prayers is hearted and tongue of the gods, and it starts with understanding and the article does not emanates from the mind and the tongue of thought or say Allalhh or between people, namely inspired Ptah, and found nothing of things, however, never a word of his tongue willingly photographed in his heart for His words are the creation and configuration (3). Petah was that any medium between God and his creatures, a crossing for the ideas of God and its tool for all of a Khalq.ooijma. And. Tomlin and James Henry Brsteid that is the basis of the doctrine of Ptah, the doctrine of creation and the Greek word when Fillon at the Alexandrian and then the Gospel of John. 2 - the floor when the Greek Heraclitus: Heraclitus was considered that the word is ăÓÇß whole existence and it is the law of opposites, which earned balanced, harmonious and unity (1) and almost word for Heraclitus to be synonymous with the meaning of God is a system that puts everything in place. It was a mistake the way of thinking when Heraclitus is not to distinguish between subject and object or between self Alarefh and position of knowledge or between the thinker and his idea, he spoke from the floor sometimes sense objective independent self and sometimes mean their mind in the sense of self, has signed writer John in the same mistake as we shall see . 3 - When word Anksjuras (496 s. M: 427 s. M.) The words of Heraclitus Anksjuras circulate about the word, and he called the mind, describing it as the essence of Khaled just one does not mind multiple and this is the link between God and the world and its tool for the creation and configuration. 4 - the floor when Fillon Alexandrian (30 s. M to 40 m) was owed Fillon Judaism and his theory were in God and relates to exist summed up in that Jehovah (God of the Jews), a transcendent God, infinite in recipes perfect, does not directly affect the world, but affects Using modes are: 1 - word 2 - Divine Wisdom (Sophia) 3 - Angels 4 - Gin The link to the word of God is the means behind the creation and His Messenger, to the people who transported him Tdharathm he is the son of God and His Messenger, He and his way in the creation of the world. I raised this theory in the Christian faith and its effects appeared in the Gospel of John, which is likely to have been written in the early second century, and influenced by the writer of this Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria (1), (2) When Fillon that God responds to prayers floor to floor and creatures (Musa), peace be upon him, who is the Logos God answered his prayer in the Sinai, who concluded from impurities article he followed nature Alelhah.oan word was in the mind of God before all things which is manifested in all things. The Gospel of John came in recognition of the Jews that Moses is the word of God (sanitation 9:29 (We know that God spoke to Moses) is true of John 9:29 Shows clearly influenced by the philosophy of Plato Fillon, who says that there should mode and a tool for creating, where the god is not worthy of the immortal that creates what is Van. 5 - word in the Gospel of John: As we mentioned that John has been influenced by the philosophy of Fillon for the word, but make them a description of Jesus and not to Moses, peace be upon them. The word in the Gospel of John is also a way of God and Oasitth to create and configuration (everything was done) John 1: 3 The well is declared and the mouthpiece of the thought of God as it was (Ptah) to San gods when the ancient Egyptians, and the word in the Gospel of John we find sometimes a topic or idea Aaklha God (and the Word was God (John 1: 1) as well as (this was in the beginning with God) John 1: 2 and sometimes we find this word in the Bible (Mata) or (mind) As in the words of the Bible (and the Word was God) John 1: 3 The confusion and lack of distinction between the subject and the self or between reasonable and mind error common among the ancient philosophers as Pena when Heraclitus This has been a problem that came Descartes to confirm bilateral issue and Almat.omen obvious that the word is not of the essence of Judge Ilha and the subject does not equate with self, The author of the Gospel John (1) has been quoted in the Gospel doctrine of creation by word mistakes, which denies revelation and inspiration in the liberation of the Gospels.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:37:54 +0000

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