ok Ill try and keep this short. In light of certain terrorism - TopicsExpress


ok Ill try and keep this short. In light of certain terrorism events that have gripped the world once again in a fuelled rage I would just like to contribute this quick observation/statement. I spend a reasonable amount of time on the net whether that be news or social media and Ive seen certain post that have either been submitted or liked by people that ,in a nut shell, blames Islam for all this violence. It truly makes me sad to think there are people out there that still cant grasp how terrorism is NOT caused by Islam.. These people that attack innocent lives, and try to deny the way of the lifes of those that they deem unfitting are not true Muslims... They are criminals just like the criminals in all other religions Christianity, catholic the list goes on.... They do not deserve the right to call themselves Muslims or members of Islam.. True Muslims are some of the nicest people I have ever met and I do not like how some people can just generalise and believe that if a person belongs to the religion of Islam they are more likely to be involved in terrorism. So if you see a post or know of someone that may think the above please dont be mad at them rather just try and educate them a little, you would be surprise how a different point of view can help people understand the complex environment we find ourselves in today... Sorry for the long post... I hope everyone has a happy and safe new year!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 07:43:35 +0000

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