ok forget everything ive told u so far especially that of the - TopicsExpress


ok forget everything ive told u so far especially that of the spaceship as (except that the afterlife exists as carbons mathematical mass value doesnt change during its action) i explained they were merely calculations towards ONE of my theories. THE FOLLOWING IS THE FIRST OF MY THEORIES WHICH INCLUDES THE FUTURE IN IT...PLEASE READ... DONT GET HESITANT AT THE BEGINNING AS ILL EXPLAIN IT IN SIMPLE ENGLISH IT SAYS SO MUCH AND NEAR THE END BECOMES VERY VERY INTERESTING. CALL IT THE NEWS...My First Theory: first of all id like to say that E = (((((((([f]+/-a OR [f] +/-b) x ([f]+/-b OR [f]+/-a)) x ([f]+/-c OR [f]+/-d) x ([f]+/-d OR [f]+/-c))) OR ([f]+/-b OR [f]+/-a) x ([f]+/-a OR [f]+/-b)) x ([f]+/-d OR [f]+/-c) x ([f]+/-c OR [f]+/-d)))) x (([f]+/-a/b) x ([f]+/-b/a)) x (([f]+/-a/b) x ([f]+/-b/a)) ^ ([f]+/-d/c) x (([f]+/-a/b) x ([f]+/-b/a)) ^ ([f]+/-d/c). => (([f]+/-a/b) x ([f]+/-b/a)) ^ ([f]+/-d/c) ³. this equation has been updated from my original. u might wonder what the hell is this and what is a b c and d...well to answer that we see that E = total amount of energy...energy is what makes EVERYTHING (except MAYBE god in 7th heaven). Every form of energy has 7 components as i have explained before and all have their own designated positions. in relation to the above equation lets call these designated positions a b c d e f and g. now to explain their functions. in terms of cause and effect a is cause and b is effect both are each opposites but equal. c is the elementary component of energy. d is the component of energy involving space. at this point i should probably explain that what comes next in e f and g is of an objects mass. mass is a secondary form of energy and is formed by 2 independent components made up of just the cause and effect components interacting (e) and (f) and of these 2 components plus 1 of that where the elemental and space components interact create (g) where e f and g exist as components that appear independant. lets call them by ways of understanding what i just said that (e) is weak mass 1 (f) is weak mass 2 and (g) is strong mass....so now we have a b c d e f and g components of energy ...cause effect elementary space w.mass 1 w. mass 2 and strong mass. examples of these include in consecutive order...hydrogen a explosions b implosions c evaporation d vapourisation e combustion f corrosion g disintregration. light...a refraction b diffraction c beam d illumination e whiteness f colourness g brightness...oxygen >>...a fire b ice c water (elementary as at a state thats unique (cant be bonded with)) d thunder (space component as = o cubed) e air f wind g earth etc etc etc etc etc etc. now lets look at space and time... before continuin i also theorise that the universe we live in is tiny and exists of this solar system which is smaller than we think also or less. think about it the speed of light in the form of conspiracy is lies....next time u have a lighter look at the speed it lights up itself compared to the illumination on the wall. remember space and time DO have a difference...its that space is an element (344th)....and time stands just above space ..so a big one.. ..space and time at first had the 4 primary components a b c and d. if we look at space we can see that this was (a) vacuumed (atomic)space (b) normal space that we know of...now what would (c) be...think about it ...when a fly when all the windows are shut fly around the car and doesnt lose control this is where space is acting on elements...actions like this are (c) d for most of u would be very confusing...space in the form of space...what would that be...the answer...volumed space....where space exists and nothing else which is much rarer than u might think. im not going to tell u where volumed space exists as its a bit too full on for what im going to tell u...for what im going to tell u its not pretty..thats the only clue ull get...now to the next bit of my theory is that to do with time which we can now finally work on...what would (c) be in time...thats right einsteins elementary discovery of e = mc squared...a is the point in time the devil killed himself b is the point jesus chose to die to save mankind from his sins...cause and effect equal opposites...can anyone guess what (d) is......THE ATOMIC BOMB!...ill just say this much the atomic bomb exploded volumed space with hydrogen and such an interaction had never happened before hence its a component of time and as a factor of space it is in (d). i theorize it was after the atomic bomb that people started to say that time seemed to speed up as they got older or that things seem to appear smaller. the beginning of the explosion is where these changes occured and in terms of conspiracy i say this is what they mean by a hole in the ozone layer. this is where (because it was the first time it happened) space received a mass...and so did time. from this point onwards we can see a form of predestination as the mass of space is where there is (e) exploded atomic space (f) exploded normal space and (G) g is where the exploded atomic space and exploded normal space work multiplied in the visibility power of elementary space of explosion amongst exploded volumed space (e equation language there). this is how exploding hydrogen formed spaces mass and what its mass means in english is that for every atomic bomb that takes place... atomic and normal space shrinks by the amount in terms of a power the atomic bomb effects volumed space amongst the explosion (take an evil guess to think what volumed space is). it shrinks by that amount but not how u think...it STAYS shrinking in terms of effect as it is now part of space (as its mass) but the speed depends on the number of atomic bombs. this is why mass form is included where i have said mass= massform x interaction of mass form x reaction of mass form. now lets look at time again. now the only part of the time dimension left is e f and g . we have a b c and d..a is the point in time the devil killed himself b is the point jesus chose to die to save mankind from his sins...cause and effect equal opposites. c is elementary so when einstein discovered e =mc squared and d is the atomic bomb...remember that when jesus died for our sins afterwards that was the point where the dreamy sensation of "going with the flow" happened. before this ppl were wild as animals in a stillness...after the atomic bomb that effected time in terms of its speed on the outside in the sense were we say "times flying". there is not in my theory 3 stages of time left but 1. in the final calculation (([f]+/-a/b) x ([f]+/-b/a)) ^ ([f]+/-d/c). this is a blessing because if space kept shrinking and time on the outside to ppl kept speeding up u just have to think....what kind of hell would that be....now the only way to stop this would be if space and times valency was minimised. (remember as i discussed that of lithium maximising valency and that is how division of 0 = infinite)...in other words it would need lithiums opposite...that is the nitrogen bomb! e and f in terms of equality of the divisions of time where jesus takes the devils sin and then dies for it has already happened...in a way i think i myself am responsible...the process cant be terminated. all that is left in terms of time here in this world is the final scene....the nitrogen bomb!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:37:00 +0000

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