ok guys, i have been in need of some contractors an since the best - TopicsExpress


ok guys, i have been in need of some contractors an since the best one i know, my brother, will not talk to me i guess i am going to have to give the money to someone else:( This is what i need: The following is a basic list of what i need and expect. i need some contractors that would like to be on a retainer of sorts. Which is to mean, i would like to work closely with them and inspect, then triage which jobs need to be scheduled first , then second, and so on down the list. I am basically trying to rebuild not only the reputation of our little community here but also repair and update but to do that i have to get the budget started and that will take maybe till the first of the year so if i could do some interviews and possibly get some estimates on some of the more immediate needs i would be better equipped to get my maintenanc schedule up and running:) I am looking for contractors with integrity first and formost!!!! I have been a contractor before and i have labored for almost every type of contractor so i have a pretty good working knowledge of what a job requires to complete and i know basically what materials are needed too so before anyone tries to come over here and think they are going to make a bunch of unnecessary improvements for an outrageous amount of money just cause i am a chick--Please do not insult me nor waste my time!!!! If you are the type of contractor that does not communicate well with your clients or has trouble with your time management skills please do not bother coming either. I need an electrician. I need someone that lays carpet and can also lay linolium or tile as well. I need a plumber as well. i also need a general laborer, someone who would like to work off of a list of duties i need done and can take direction well. At first it may take me a while to get into a routine and i may have to schedule my work around people paying their rent but i have work if someone is willing to WORK WITH ME ...NOT FOR ME!!!! I guess i should go ahead and mention the fact that i love my work. I love reparing things and making things pretty too. I want to be able to help our apartments inside beauty shine through so everyone can see what i have seen all along----so much potential!!! I am not looking for any big crews or larger faceless companies to come in and do all this by themselves:( no way!!! what fun would that be??? Besides myself, I have several very talented tenants who are always ready to help out and pitch in to help, I love it because when they help do the work, they appreciate everything that actually goes in to making the magic happen. Plus, this is our HOME!!!!! I love seeing the satisfaction and the pride on thier faces after we get one project or another done and then we get to lean back and enjoy it and share it with each other. I am really hoping that i can reach that perfect someone who will fit right in with our team and help us to get our apartments to where i know they can be:):) God has always listened to me and even if i didn t take the direct route, i always seem to end up exactly where i am supposed to be. Thank you Lord for guiding me and showing me that having faith in you and believing beyond a shadow of a doubt that no matter what, you will take care of me. He has put a task into my heart, no--a quest!! I am a little scared because the last thing i want to do is let GOD down!!!! But, i am also soooooo excited to see how he is going to show his presence and how he is going to open doors for me to complete this quest because without his help, i could never do it. I am going to keep what i am planning off of face book but when it happens EVERYONE will recognize it for what it is--my living GODl!!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:10:45 +0000

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