ok. im finally awake enough to tackle this issue that sprung up - TopicsExpress


ok. im finally awake enough to tackle this issue that sprung up yesterday. i want to say in advance that i dont intend to offend anyone, not trying to piss anyone off, not make them feel bad nor does this affect how i feel about anyone here. that said.... i was pretty disturbed when i got home and had a chance to check out facebook and saw complaints about peoples posts. the first objective of this group was to get people together that also saw through the BS of EAs TSM crap and really wanted to pit their skills against other drivers. my second thought was that this wasnt going to be a group with a hierarchy, no one person being GOD of the group. no dictatorship. everyone has the same rights that everyone else has. of course there are the various and sundry duties that do require an admin and so i made a few of the earliest racers admins. i feel that i chose well, as for the most part everyones done their duties in some small way, or in huge ways (everyone knows Filip, heh). as the group has grown larger and larger, it has had to evolve. evolution of its original purpose (weekly race challenges), yes, but also an evolution of content. as EA has added features like Paint, we all like to have places to showcase the hard work weve put in to customize our rides. one of the main topics in the forum i created was for the showing off and tips n tricks of how to customize. i would like to think that people that dont wish to use the forum know that they are more than welcome to post their stuff here on the main page, and that has by and large been happening. from the beginning of our weekly challenges lo these many weeks ago, i have maintained that the main group page is a place where anyone can post anything. any thing. doesnt matter what it is, it is a censor free posting area. of course its of best taste to not post something that the general public would deem as disgusting, so im glad that people havent abused the open nature of my policy. there are two main components to Real Racing 3. obviously theres the racing. and since they introduced visual customization - many artists have done some incredible work with the small palette we are given. i would like to think that yeah, the groups origins are rooted in the racing side of things, but that we can evolve to give time and consideration to customization. one of the great things about facebook is that there are a variety of ways to make sure that you dont see content that you dont want to see. i dont want to see someone else trying to censor someone else unless its something that is obviously something that you wouldnt want your 10 y.o. daughter to see. remember, the second thought that i had about the group is that anyone can post anything theyd like to the main page without fear of any sort of censorship and i would like to keep it that way. if you dont want to see posts by someone else, the easiest thing to do is to just scroll past it...its not that difficult to do and takes very little time. the second is to set up facebook so that posts by that person are blocked....you wont see them until you unblock that person. a bit more time consuming in the beginning but you make up for the time further down the road because you wont have to scroll past their stuff. and finally, yes, were an open group and yes, we are all equals in our rights. but there are some admins for a reason. if you find that a post or posts are not in line with what we do here and someone has done something you think that maybe shouldnt be done, pm an admin before calling them to the mat. find out what the official stance regarding something is prior to making a request that may offend someone else. one thing that i really do not like is when i see that people have written in to a tv network about a show that they found offensive and now theyre lobbying to have it removed from television entirely because of that. just because your delicate sensibilities have been offended Nancy, doesnt mean that everyone elses has been as well. theres these really cool new features on remote controls. theres now a button for changing the channel to animal planet or whatever it is that you feel you can watch - or...theres a power button that you can hit that will turn off the tv so you dont have to subject yourself to the horrors of 2 people sleeping in the same bedroom. why is it the job of the content provider to tailor their lineup to show only things you want to see? what about someone else, maybe they want to see the show? oh, yeah, they dont matter. but, isnt it the job of you to monitor what you, or your children, watch? so. to recap and condense all that: its not really my job to monitor content providers but i will check out peoples complaints about them. its not the job of the content providers (ie customizing artists) to only provide content that you want to see and only in a time frame that you want to see it in. its YOUR job to look at it, dont look at it or block the content entirely. and in that vein, please do not take it upon yourself to censor someone else - first ask an admin if it is in the groups best interests to monitor someone elses content. well take it from there.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:32:26 +0000

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