ok... its official... GIT blows... I understand that alot of - TopicsExpress


ok... its official... GIT blows... I understand that alot of people love it, but all i ever have is headaches. The documentation couldnt possibly make any less sense unless it was written in cuneiform. SO heres my gripe this go around with git.. ok.. so i pulled the latest version of a trunk. Went smooth. Realized, i need an earlier version... *fark* go back to the trunk, and executed git checkout 12345exampleReviSionNuMber (thats just a placeholder :D) Git informed me that i was using detached head (meaning it was a previous pull, and not a live 11 copy/update Then again informed me it was using revision 12345exampleReviSionNuMber Thats it... no files were altered, no files were discarded, no files were downloaded... . So.... basically.. 1 of three scenerios could have just happened, and no way to tell wich.. 1) it downloaded all revisions on the first pull, and just altered the cmake file / other files... unlikely as my project folder isnt 400tb in size. 2) It switched the git files to reflect the revision i want, but didnt download / edit / alter anything, wich i must now do without knowing how, or where to find the info for my situation. 3) it read the branch, and found the revision number i wanted, and just to be a douchebag, just rambled off some meaningless nonsense at me to make me think something was actually done. in any of the previous scenarios.. i think github is a waste of time. Github should NOT be used for production / public consumption of projects. You should NOT build an entire platform around github project files... The new norm seems to be developers dumping massive ammounts of files onto github, then using tricks, shortcuts, and random other poorly / undocumented git commands to make something somewhat workable.. All for what, because they are too lazy to clean up their own repository... /end rant
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 00:32:39 +0000

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