ok ... more ? Jarvis Brook Railway Station: Our station here was - TopicsExpress


ok ... more ? Jarvis Brook Railway Station: Our station here was busy day and night all through this war and draughts of men and horses were being sent by train at all hours. Each lot of men were marched to the station by a military band and sometimes the station square was crowded all night by men trying to snatch a few hours sleep with all their kit and rifles until a troop train arrived. Each train was again played out of the station to to strains of Auld Lang Syne. My mother used to be so upset and tried to give just a few of the lads a last minute cup of tea and a few words of cheer. One Sunday morning in fact EVERY Sunday morning there would be a train from London bringing wives, mothers and sweethearts, little children too, for a last glimpse of daddy . This particular Sunday a young wife with a very new baby was looking for her husband, but he was already in the goods yard and waiting to board the train. She was crying and at the last moment her husband saw her and she handed the little baby over the fence to him. He was holding it probably the one and only time he When a big bully Sergeant came up to him, whos child is this he shouted and snatched it away from the young man and practically threw it back into the mothers arms. I saw this happen and I also remember my mother saying to the Sergeant you fat gutted bully you! I would like to have a go at you. One of the men said dont worry ma he wont last long when they get him over the other side....
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:22:12 +0000

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