ok now since i left you we had the big bang theory and now we are - TopicsExpress


ok now since i left you we had the big bang theory and now we are in earth. this earth is not the earth we know today there are two major lands and the vast earth is nothing but water. the main land is called Pangea. there is evidence that in this time there is no free oxygen in the world and the world is very very hot do to the air being filled with CO2. it is also weather wise very rainy all the time with lightning being more common then now. this is based on the chemicals seen to be present in the air . it is also from this that the next theory stands as what we think happened. in 1936 a Russian man named Aleksandre Oparin made his theory Oparins Theory of the Origin of Life this states that earths atmosphere was full of hyudrogen simple compounds like water,methane, and ammonia. as these compounds was forming they fell to earth and got into the waters then lightning struck giving high electrical currents to the primeval soup that was pooled together and this created amino acids which is the building blocks of life. they made proteins and that made single celled organisms. keep in mind this was over millions of years.with no free oxygen still the first things to come was moss, algea and plant life. some small fish began in this vast ocean.and just like when gravity took over the fight to live takes over here. you see it on earth the higher the plant grows above the other plants more sun it gets and better it lives. so trying to live the moss in the ocean floors rise a bit. start sprouting stems and the first plants near land get above water becoming similar to lily pads. these plants soon start breathing the CO2 and soon began the remarkable act of photosynthesis. this as you know is the act of taking CO2 and using carbon in the air for food and excelling O2 also known as free oxygen. now the earth is going from dry land and no plants to a green land full of vegetation.meanwhile the fish have also been changing to adapt. the first fish was like modern jellyfish and sponges with no bones and then they through survival of the fittest standards started hardening on the outside and becoming shelled fish during the pre cambrian next these fish kept fighting to live and their shells for speed started to change from exoskeleton to inner-skeletons.small fish that leave the safety of the shell and swim these small fish eat each other , some grow bigger and hunt while the small shrink and hide. a great project recently done shows how this works. originally used to show how our fishing laws made the fish smaller you can see it happen the same way only change the humans to other fish.( scientist wondered why we only see smaller fish now.. they took three fish tanks and set them the same standard, fed same times and everything. first was control tank , they kept all fish that was in it ,then test one they set the rules like our fishing regulations where they took out fish that got past a certain size. then third was to confirm it worked both ways they took out all the fish that was too small. we call them *control=a *take out big = b*take out small= s. after they let the fish breed few generations they seen the size of fish in tank a was the same as normal but in tank b the fish being born in this third genre was growing to be only as big as the smallest fish in tank a. also the fish in tank s was growing bigger, its smallest in genre 3 was as big as the biggest in tank a. now i know you think it means the fish chose to change size but no. if you take away all the big fish in a pond you remove the big size from the gene pool and you leave only small dna fish so when they breed except for mutant genes they only have small babies)now we have bigger fish growing in the ocean by this same scenereo only instead of us fishing the small fish are getting eaten by bigger fish leaving only big genes and genes of fish who hide some fish hid in shallow water then same started to happen pushing them more inland till the dawn of amphibeans. the creature nicknamed tictalic came to be . it being in such shallow water had to push itself back in over time when they got washed up so they grew bones. first arms that soon helped them breath the now free oxygen which is also close to when the first jawbones formed.since this is long i will break for a day continued tomorrow .
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 13:38:42 +0000

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