ok peeps i am tired of all the arguing over man made doctrine...so - TopicsExpress


ok peeps i am tired of all the arguing over man made doctrine...so here i will end it all now...the only biblical form of predestination is that yes Jesus knew who He died for on the cross...the book of acts in several places said that those who accepted the message of the gospel were baptized..next, God is sovereign and we if we are believers do not tell God what to do and are free will does not extend to taking Gods job...He is the potter we are the clay..only choice we have is to follow Jesus or satan, one leads to heaven the other hell, if we follow Jesus He is in control and if satan than satan controls, next, no one can use that the gifts of the Holy Ghost ceased when the last apostle died for 3 reasons, 1 signs and wonders followed more than just the apostles..stephen was not a apostle and yet preformed wonders, phillip was not a apostle and yet preformed wonders..get it...2 God is the same yesterday today and forever and does not change, it is only our thinking that changes, and 3 the nt is a believers instruction manual on how to live and the scripture says that there are still prophets, signs and wonders..some are false like you see on tv and some are real like in the underground churches around the world...God does what He wants how He wants and you cant limit Him because of a few loose creepy weirdos...next scripture says to be taught by the Holy Ghost and worshipping men is idolarty...God is the head, He alone is God, King, Priest and teacher and prophet, however in His timing He uses people to spread His message for we are His hands and feet so it is God alone who deserves the glory not some pastor, teacher or any one else yall seem to worship...next assembling of the saints DOES NOT mean going to a building once a week under the authority of a committee but rather as you see in acts ..the saints gathered together daily...they ate together and prayed together and were of one mind and one accord...next if any one tells you these lies...you can take the mark and be saved, God wants you to have your best life now, it is ok to be christian and still sleep with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, its ok to be gay,it is sin not to go to a church building, the pope is the vicor of christ, the communion is the real blood and real flesh of Jesus, Jesus fufilled the 10 commandments so you dont have to follow them, you too can toke the ghost and be slain int the spirit and leave your body and go to the 3rd heaven...rebuke them and leave said place....next, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one hence the word God head in the bible and hence why they are all called He not one He, one it, One something else...leave your catholic trinity/ oneness at the door...READ THE BIBLE FOR YOURSELVES PEOPLE..STOP LISTENING TO THE LIES OF MEN AND LISTEN TO THE HOLY GHOST, THAT STILL SMALL VOICE YOU HEARING IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND, THATS GOD!! one last point...the GREAT COMMISSION told to us in scripture means GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE not pew warming in some building sitting on your fat lazy duffs eating nothing but the burger king junk food that some person is spewing forth...you do that and you will by no means enter the KINGDOM OF GOD!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 02:35:30 +0000

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