ok so I just got off the phone with Stephanie and she agreed to me - TopicsExpress


ok so I just got off the phone with Stephanie and she agreed to me posting here... Thanks to all for your continued support and for the eyes in looking for her. The more eyes that are out looking, the greater the chances of her being spotted...and THAT is what is important...being spotted. 1. Right now, the sightings seem to be in the one area between the overpass in Bowring Park bottom of Richmond Hill in Kilbride, down the trail to Southside Road and up to Shea Heights. If you are out looking, right now...that is the area that should be focused on. 2. If you are on foot, bring an extra leash with you...it may come in handy but at NO time, should you approach her if you spot her UNLESS she comes to you. Best thing to do, if you do spot her...follow her at a distance and call Stephanie and John. Mia is running scared and the last thing wanted is to drive her out of the area she is running in. If that is done, the search would have to start from scratch. 3. If possible, follow her...if she can be trapped into a backyard or fenced area, that is great. Keep her there until Stephanie or John can get to you. 4. The best chances of getting to her is during daylight hours...that is when she will be on the move...especially early morning. If you can get out then, do so. Any time is good and the more eyes keeping watch for her, the better but daylight is when she will be on the move more. 5. Please refrain from calling out her name, chasing her, trying to grab her...anything like that is going to spook her and potentially driver her into a new area. 6. Share this with family and friends...the more eyes out there...the more likely she will get returned. 7. If you know anybody living in the search area...ask them to leave their back gates open...maybe some food out...perhaps she will go into somebodys back yard and can be trapped in there until Stephanie or John can get to you. 8. After you contact Stephanie and John, call me 685-2851. If I can, I will join you and perhaps between the bunch of us...we can manage to get her back without spooking her off. Please keep sightings posted to this group and on this wall. Multiple postings of a sighting to other walls mean that Stephanie and John are chasing leads that may be hours old PLUS it gets their hopes up every time a new sighting comes in that is really an old one. If she is not spotted and gotten within the next day or two, we will organize a structured search to see if we can turn her up. Remember, your role in this is to spot her...not to get her...leave that to Stephanie and John. And for those of you who are worried....yes the weather is crappy, yes she is a boxer with short hair and is young....but she will be found and can survive just fine. In the last four years I have been involved in a number of searches...Barney the shih tzu was missing for three weeks during some of the worst winter weather we have ever had...I got him just fine. Kashmere, a pitty was missing almost a week...also this time of the year...she went home no worse for the wear. Keep that in mind when talking to Stephanie and John. Mia will be found and brought home. It is just a matter of getting some sightings and getting John and Stephanie to her.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:47:21 +0000

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