ok so been calmly collecting and researching stories and hearsay - TopicsExpress


ok so been calmly collecting and researching stories and hearsay news and reports. 1. sky news videos people tampering with votes. 2. one voting station was evacuated multiple time due to fire alarm 3. ballots had no serial numbers and were marked in pencil only 4. the count was run by the same government giving us the vote it should have been an independent impartial body. 5. BBC reported estimates of 10% difference in favour of no and they got it right on the money. 6. out of every1 interviewed throughout the night most we no campaigners 7. Westminster telling Cameron to take his newer powers to Scotland and shove them where the sun dont shine. 8. before the vote Westminster tells us there ill not be a recount as if they know what is coming. 9. i personally dont believe that only 4 constituants out of 32 voted no and that only 75% of people turned up to vote in glasgow. 10. over 500,000 appaerntly did not vote thats a laaaarge number of none voters for such an event. 11. yes and no votes were buddled together on the same table in the same bundles , regardless4 of the excuse this should never have happened. 12. those rooms should have been empty of all people but the news the counters and the police. 13.the voting should have ceased immediately after fraud was thought the vote thrown out to try again. or after the fire alarm went off due to the obvious risk of tampering. 14. tampered votes . yes or no should not be counted how is it fair to count fraudulent votes but not count votes marked in pen or that have anything on them other than a {X} . 15. NO KIND OF WRITING UTENSILS AND EMPTY VOTE PAPERS SHOULD EVER HAVE BEEN IN THOSE COUNTING HALLS IPADS HAVE CALCULATORS ON THEM IF YOU NEEDED TO ADD UP TOTALS 16. if you cant do maths at a higher level then you should never have been allowed to count the votes !!! 17. yes and no campaigners and the government (except the police) should have been any where near completed ballots ! 18. No where in any news articles has there been any reports of tampering besides the glasgow yes stronghold votes, videos of people tampering all over facebook youtube and twitter but not in the news!!!. and i wonder how long it will be before they are removed from social media sites like youtube facebook and twitter. 19. when the government said there wont be a recount what they were saying is we will win by any means necessary an theres nothing you can do about it . 20. no voters are saying tuff luck shut up , and of course yes voters would say the same in their shoes but as a country that preaches its proudness of its self through stories and song i am a bit disappointed to see that the no voters are happy with thier results given all the fraudulent activity and blatant evidence of it , id like to think that my fellow country men could find it in themselfs to put aside the yes no vote FOR A FAIR FRAUDULENT FREE VOTE. i would feel alot better about this entire escapade if the vote had been fair there is obvious and blatant evidence to prove it has been a complete farce, if a revote ever takes place much much more planning will be required with zero involvement from the government with the exception of the police, and yes and no pro campaigners also if there is a revote there should be no more campaigning between parties just a new vote . i hope yes and no voters alike will agree with me in saying give scotland a proper and fair vote even if the vote is again no , we deserve a fair vote free of government control and/or influence. IF YOU AGREE WITH THIS AND WANT TO SHOW UR DISAPPROVAL PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS WITHOUT NEGATIVE COMMENTS , PROFANITY WILL BE REMOVED. OPINIONS CAN BE EXPRESSED PROPERLY WITHOUT THE USE OF NEGATIVITY WHICH I MYSELF AM GUILTY OF.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 17:04:40 +0000

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