ok so here is what we know, this is what history has taught us, a - TopicsExpress


ok so here is what we know, this is what history has taught us, a black life is worth less than any life in this country, it is acceptable for law enforcement even ordinary citizen to take black life and not be punished, the only people who are punish to the full extent of the law for taking a black life is another black person and that is because ultimately for the system its a two for one, next history has shown us that when a black life is taken by another black black people tend to shrug their shoulders and say that that is just the way it is, many look to the P.O.T.U.S for help(especially now but there is no help to be had in any form from that high up these presidents have no real time for what they consider overblown domestic squabbles on top of that they are all cogs in the same massive wheel, we know that the rallys and the chants no justice no peace do not work and will never work, because this system is not designed to provide justice for the black family, these peaceful demonstrations dont work because whether it is by the hand of the police or the hand of an unruly unstable protester things always get out of hand, we know that the media usually 1 to 2 days after the murder or incident will find information that will blame the victim a few media outlets will blame the authorities but by and large they assassinate the character of the victim, we know that there will be a trial we know there will be a verdict and we also know what that verdict is, not guilty!!! we know promises will be made to change things and we know that they never change and we know that black folk will ease back into a complacent and socially half asleep state that we have been in since the early 70s pacified divided and neutralized. we know the killer will go quietly on with his own life hell work in the same field and more than likely be put in supervisory positions, we know that the dead will remain dead and the potential of whom ever they were supposed to become no matter who there were is extinguished and no matter how we remember them or celebrate their lives they will alway be an incomplete thought in the consciousness of our black existence. i know these things and i know that you know them to be true as well, i say that to say this albert einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:22:10 +0000

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