ok so i found out that your heart sends out an electromagnetic - TopicsExpress


ok so i found out that your heart sends out an electromagnetic pulse that changes frequency with mood, it has an emotional signature, one for anger one for fear one for love, and this pulse is constant, we cannot shut it off, and this pulse can be felt and actually physically changes the brain waves of other people, this is a scientific fact not some hippy mumbo jumbo... these kind of pulses, from heart to brain are readable on equipment designed to read electromagnetic pulse, people do not have to be touching to effect eachother... and the frequency changes only with emotion, never before has emotion been so relevant to our survival...simply saying a single word ..like "lawyer" that seems very neutral will trigger a subconscious changes that triggers and emotional response will cause huge flucuations in this frequency, so its not a mystery, your words..every word you say, effects not just you but the people who hear it too..when you are in a bad mood or holding on to hostility you are sending out waves REAL WAVES not some hocus pocus shit... actually physically scientifically documentable energy is changing actual physical chemistry of others around you, in fact the frequency can effect anyone thruout space and time (i.e. spooky action at distance, einstein)...the energy you put out it never stops traveling, you are healing when you are happy and you are corrosive and you create chaos and anger and fear in others when when you are harboring anger or fear, now its nice to think that we can go around healing people by keeping a positive outlook...but have you ever thought about the worlds heartbeats and how they affect you..the heart beat of people in nations that suffer, the war zones, the people who suffer loss and grief, people in our own workplace may be suffering and we dont even know it.. what are these heartbeats doing to you..? if everyone you meet affects your health, if the people you ride to work on the subway with or the people who you stand in line with at the DMV, are really just a bath of nasty corrosive emotional marinade to soak in for hours a day, and all you do is just try to resist it, if the health and happiness of the world effects your brainwaves, and changes your moods and effects your health and the health of your family, then tell me... have you ever heard of a more profound reason to be kind and helpful to everyone you meet or influence, have you ever heard of a better reason to smile and make eye contact, have you ever heard of a better reason to bring your wife flowers, or tell your mom she looks pretty, or give a twenty to the bum on corner or volenteer to fight fires, for your influence on others may be the ripple that in turn heals you..if we all feel eachother we all suffer as one, how perfectly beautiful, and tragic that we cannot see how TRULY ONE we all are, together one by one, we can believe in the end of global suffering..we can make ripples we can heal...we can make change, it has never been more urgently needed..it is not just the heart beats of the people who suffer it is the heartbeat of our planet, together let us live consciously of one another, of our ecosystem, animal plants and humans, let us give joy to our planet and give thanks for our lives..i love you all...jah blessing..
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:33:50 +0000

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