ok...so if I cant talk about the Nazis...then I will post what - TopicsExpress


ok...so if I cant talk about the Nazis...then I will post what Howard Galganov said...COWARDS REAP WHAT THEY SOW . . . AND FOLLOWERS PAY THE PRICE: On October 30, 1995, the Government of Quebec held a referendum for the predominantly French Province (80% French) to separate from Canada. Quebec is, was, and will always be a RACIST anti-English and anti-Ethnic province. During World War Two, Camillien Houde, who served four terms as mayor of Montreal and served as a Member of Parliament, was incarcerated for being an Enemy of the State. But, he wasn’t alone in his Quebecois support for Nazis. The famous Mayor of Montreal, Jean Drapeau who brought the City the Expo 67 World FAIR, the 1976 Olympics, and created the Montreal Subway System also supported Pro-Nazi Groups. But that’s not where it ended . . . Pierre Elliot Trudeau, who became Prime Minister of Canada in the late 1960’s, spent WWII out of Canadian uniform, riding his motorcycle through the Quebec countryside wearing Nazi Regalia. And then there was Quebec’s most famous Priest, Lionel Groulx, who has no shortage of streets, parks, colleges, and even a Montreal subway station named after him, who made it an EX-COMMUNICATIONAL crime before, during and even after WWII for any French Catholic to do any form of business with Jews. And during the height of WWII, instead of the Free French having an official presence in Quebec, it was the Nazi Allied Vichy Government that had its Embassy in Quebec, from where Nazi spies infiltrated the USA. And if you’re curious about how serious all of this was . . . J Edgar Hoover begged President FDR for permission to assassinate French Quebecers who were deemed to be enemies of the Allies. And all of that was just the tip of the Ethnocentric Quebecois Iceberg. LET’S FAST FORWARD TO MORE RECENT HISTORY: Immediately following the 1995 Quebec Referendum to separate Quebec from Canada, I formed the Quebec Political Action Committee (QPAC) with two friends, for the exclusive purpose of taking a REAL fight to Quebec’s ETHNOCENTRIC Nationalists. My fight against these Quebecois RACISTS became so engaged, that for more than two years, Anne, the horses, and I lived with armed bodyguards 24/7 for months on end. Actually, it was Anne and the horses I was most worried about. THE ALL OUT WAR I DECLARED SHOOK ANGLO COWARDS TO THEIR CORE: The police . . . from the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), to the local police where we lived, to the Montreal police, to CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), Canada’s equivalent to the FBI, literally lived on our property in one way or another for extended periods of time. I asked the CSIS agent who liaised with us, who it was who were listening to our phones and invading other venues of our privacy; her response was clear . . . The better question she suggested was: “Who’s not listening?” The battle I took to Quebec’s Racists wasn’t just engaged in Quebec, but became a subject of interest worldwide, and no-more-so than in the United States, where I was invited to one private meeting with a member of Congress in Washington DC, and a special hearing on US/Canadian policies vis a vis Quebec. The day hardly passed when there wasn’t a satellite TV Crew parked outside our little horse farm where we lived in Quebec near Montreal at that time. And there were always media following me, both French, English, and International hoping for a headline. BUT MY HEADLINE WAS SIMPLE: Quebec is an Ethnocentric, Xenophobic Province, with a long and sordid history of RACISM, where the LEFT reigns supreme, which was not the message the KISS-ASS Canadian media wanted to hear . . . they much rather preferred fairytales. I fought Quebec like no one could have ever imagined. At one point, I purchased backlit Billboards in most of Americas International Airport Departure Lounges that read: “IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING TO THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE UNRESTRICTED USE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS AGAINST THE LAW . . . GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY . . . Signed Howard Galganov.” This so infuriated Quebec, that Quebec demanded from the billboard company that they remove these signs IMMEDIATELY, to the point that the President and CEO of the billboard company called me directly to see if my statement that the unrestricted use of the English language was indeed against the law. And when I told the CEO that the UNRESTRICTED use of the English language throughout all of Quebec was indeed against the law, his response was as follows: TO PARAPHRASE BUT 100% ACCURATE . . . “When the contract for a sign expires, the sign is immediately removed and left empty until a new paid-for sign replaces it. But, in your case, we will keep all of your signs up past the contract period, until they are replaced with new signs. That’s my contribution to your fight for FREEDOM.” SO WHO ATTACKED QPAC’S POSITION . . . AND ME IN PARTICULAR? Leaders from Montreal’s Jewish Community begged me not to be the face of the FIGHT against Quebec’s anti-English language laws, because they were frightened that my battles would blow back on the Jewish Community. So, what did these cowards learn from the Holocaust about courage? At one point, the leader of the BLOC Quebecois, the separatist group in Canada’s Parliament, demanded in Parliament that the CJC (Canadian Jewish Congress) SANCTION me for my position, even though my position had ZERO to do with religion. Not only was this an incredibly unwarranted demand, it dripped with anti-Semitism, since I was attacked not just for my position, but because I was a Jew. The MAINSTREAM French Media used to describe me in their HEADLINES as “THE ANGLO JEW HOWARD GALGANOV”. SO, WHAT DID THE CJC DO OR SAY ABOUT AND OF IT? . . . NOTHING. You would think that the English media . . . that depended 100% on the health and vibrancy of their English audience and constituency, would have come out 100% in favor of all the things QPAC was doing . . . TO THE CONTRARY. THESE THREE EVENTS MADE HIM NUTS: At one point, Quebec was so upset and terrified by a planned trip I was making to Wall Street, where I was prescheduled to give a speech at the Harvard Club about Quebec’s language policies and fragile economy, that the Premier (equivalent to a US governor), Lucien Bouchard, threatened to twist the knot against the use of the English language even TIGHTER unless I backed-off. And in a serendipitous joint News Conference, where I was on English CBC TV (Canadian Broadcasting), and he was on French CBC TV, where we could see and hear each other on monitors when he made that statement; my response to him was: “PRESS YOUR BROWN SHIRT AND POLISH YOUR JACKBOOTS, BECAUSE HERE I COME”. And at the same time, as part of the Wall Street trip, I chartered a private plane to fly myself with some members of the media from Teterboro (NJ) Airport to Washington DC, for a midnight meeting with a member of Congress at his office in Rayburn House. I don’t know what made this RACIST Premier piece of work more upset, the speech at the Harvard Club, the Press Conference on Wall Street, or my meeting with a US Member of Congress? But, here was a tremendous opportunity for those of us in the English speaking community to finally win a real battle . . . ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. To the point that I went to every media in Quebec, and pretty much the rest of Canada with this single and simple proposition for Quebec and its Premier: I would agree to cancel my trips if the Premier of Quebec would make the following statement: “QUEBEC IS AN INCLUSIVE PROVINCE WHERE ALL PEOPLE ARE TREATED EQUALLY.” What can possibly be easier for a political leader in a Democracy to say than that? LUCIEN BOUCHARD COULD NOT DO IT. In a subsequent TIME Magazine article, where Bouchard and I shared a great deal of space, the writer and column editor of this TIME story, during his interview of me, was incredulous that Bouchard could not come out publicly with that acknowledgement. SO HOW DID THE ENGLISH MEDIA DEAL WITH ALL OF THIS? THEY DESPISED ME . . . they called me an extremist, a hardliner and an ANGRYPHONE, which was a play on the derogative term Anglophone, used to describe English-speaking people in Quebec. To the English media . . . I was the problem. Instead of going to war against a RACIST government supported by a majority of the French population, I should have been investing my energy to building bridges to French Quebec, erecting a huge tent to accommodate everyone including the “other side”, and finding common ground. HISTORY IS REPLETE WITH SURRENDER BY COWARDS IN THE GUISE OF ACCOMMODATION: In my worldview, you do not find common ground with THUGS and RACISTS. You stand up to them. And in one-way or another, you beat them as soundly as you possibly can, while blowing-up connecting bridges and collapsing the biggest of tents to keep the THUGS as far away from yourself, family and friends as possible. BUT THAT’S NOT HOW ELITIST COWARDS SEE IT. So . . . how well have the English and Ethnic Communities fared in their make-believe world of let’s play nice with French Racists? On Thursday (yesterday from the writing of this editorial), November 7, 2013 . . . Quebec tabled a law that will totally FORBID the wearing of any religious garb (excluding a small crucifix) in the public workplace; including hospitals, schools, transportation . . . ETC. So . . . the moment this law is passed; Jews, Sikhs and Moslems (women) cannot cover their heads with appropriate religious head covers at work in public palaces. Nor will Jews be permitted to wear a visible Star of David. With very few exclusions, such as the Jewish General Hospital, only because Montreal needs the JGH more than the doctors in the Hospital need Quebec. I will also mention that an election was just held for the Mayor’s Office in Montreal, where the winner was Denis Corderre, who as a past Federal LIBERAL Cabinet Minister PROUDLY marched in a Montreal street demonstration AGAINST Israel, with Arabs carrying the Hezbollah Flag. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW . . . and now English speakers and Ethnics are falling over themselves to sell their properties and get the hell out of RACIST Quebec. They should have listened and shown courage when they had the chance. Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:14:14 +0000

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