ok well i know the subject of vampires and magic is very - TopicsExpress


ok well i know the subject of vampires and magic is very controversial but i found a real spell that i did try for myself and it did work first there are some things you will need 1st: IT MUST BE NIGHT TIME IT WILL NOT WORK IF IT IS DAY, TWILIGHT, SUNRISE, OR SUNSET. 2nd: you must be alone even if you are just in your room 3rd: you must turn off the lights you may light a candle if you need light 4th: it must be pitch black outside 5th: you must see yourself as a vampire and be realistic not anime so imagine yourself growing fangs and biting people 6th you must believe ok now the spell you must say this 10 times without messing up if you mess up your restart from the beguining blood red, pale skin moonlight draw me in quench my thirst coursing veins let my body feel no pain now you must say this 10 times once this is done it will take some time for your fangs to grow in about a week or so they will not be massive only a few centimeters longer you will also become more active at night and less active during the day your eyes will change youll notice it you may feel sick or get headaches when you are exposed to sunlight you will not die you will crave blood but it is controlable to an ammount but you must drink blood even if its only a few drops a week if you do not drink then you will become sick no matter how much human food you eat you will still be able to eat normal food including garlic the running water myth is only a myth holy water and crosses only work if the person has true faith silver is harmless you will not become something like alucard from hellsing ok so dont ask your charm levels will be very high so if you play your cards right and dress properly then you should be able to get a willing donor for blood AND LASTLY FOR THE TWILIGHT FANS FIRST YOU WILL NOT SPARKLE IF YOU ASK I WILL FIND YOU AND SHOOT YOU IN YOUR HEAD WITH BLESSED BULLETS THAT EXPLODE. SECOND BEING A VAMPIRE IS A REAL AND LONELY EXISTANCE AND VAMPIRES DO NOT HAVE COUNILS OR RULES YOURE ON YOUR OWN.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:51:59 +0000

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