okay after a very long weekend and a long talk with my husband - TopicsExpress


okay after a very long weekend and a long talk with my husband this morning i am making some major changes. i have been working from 4 in the morning until sometimes 10 or 11 at night. there has got to be some kind of balance between home and work. our marriage is suffering (not just because of LBH, there is a lot of stress on it) and we have decided that we need to find that balance. i have spent part of the morning going through my open orders and a very big part of my problem are the required free bookings in order to participate on modeling pages and in booking parties. i LOVE the modeling pages, the pictures i get back are absolutely gorgeous. however, with the holidays coming i am so slammed that there is no way i can keep up. I offer a membership here for a yearly fee and the members receive free outfits every month. my members are suffering because i am trying to keep up with way too many avenues. So starting today, i am removing my boutique from all modeling pages. once i am completely caught up i will run contests and giveaways to give people chances to win freebies. i will still offer the discounts and deals that i have always done on here. i will be participating in VERY FEW auctions. this also gives me the opportunity to keep all of my customers on this page so i am able to find them when i have a question. i am still trying to track down people that have placed orders but didnt give me enough information from auctions. i will still be getting up at 4 to start work but i am going to be closing down between 7 and 8 in the evenings. this is going to give us some family time. when i close in the evenings, i will not be answering messages or responding to comments until the next morning. my husband and i both have realized that we are glued to our phones even when we say we are done for the night. every other weekend, i will be closed from friday to sunday. my ex and his have finally worked everyones schedules to where they will be keeping the kids on the same weekends so that we can have every other weekend for us. it took us four years to get there, we love our kids but everyone needs a break lol, especially when theres six of them. i am also going to be more diligent on how many open orders i have. going through them this morning i am quickly becoming caught up. i need to get my members caught up so they dont feel so neglected and to my members i want to thank each and every one of you for your patience. hopefully with all of these changes, things will start to run smoother. i had a lot of positive response from the sale that i just ran, alot of people commented that they wish it had been done around the first for their payday. so i am going to start another one on the first and run it until the fifth. for october and november i will run two a month and it wont be just outfits. i had a few orders come in on the last one but not so many that i am not comfortable offering it again. this is a great way to help people get ready for christmas. i will be adding towels and embroidered blankets on this one as well.i have not decided if i will offer the sale on the first of december. what i may do is run it on the first of november and then from thanksgiving day until the end of november. but it depends on what i have open at that point. this morning i also issued several refunds. in all of the confusion of vacation, my husbands heart issues and moving, i found several orders that have been overlooked from may. i am not, have never been and never will be a scammer. since these orders were not complete, i went through and sent the money back to several people. i am not done, as i get money into my paypal account, i will refund the couple that i have left. please do not start asking if items have shipped or how long until i get to yours. i am working as quickly as i possibly can. for the most part it is just me that does everything from cutting to packaging and shipping. also, if you message me and i dont answer within two days please message me again, i am having issues with messenger. if you message me and i dont respond right away, please dont continue to message me or begin blowing up my cell phone. i watch as the messages come across my phone, if it looks like it is something that absolutely needs to be answered right that minute, i will stop and answer. but if its something as simple as did you get my measurements or is that color okay i try to remember to answer it in between posting completed orders. everytime i have to stop to pick up my phone or get on my laptop puts me further behind. i promise that i do try to keep up with all of the messages and i love to hear from everyone, i dont mind giving updates, i dont mind answering questions but i cant always answer immediately. :) now, i need to finish this outfit, and go to hobby lobby and joanns so that i can get back home and get back to work. if you need me please send me a message and i will get back to you as soon as i possibly can.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:45:25 +0000

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