okay heres a hint..after i play, when i am signing cds or hats or - TopicsExpress


okay heres a hint..after i play, when i am signing cds or hats or whatever around the merch table or the stage..well, that is not the time to come up and start trying to negotiate the price of a gig you want me to play..i am not in charge of that and even though i say id like to play your event and i would, there are certain factors that have to be considered in order for that to happen..so i am sorry i gave the impression to someone that i would play their place for whatever they wanted to pay..i guess there was a misunderstanding on both sides with all the whoop la going on that would give them that idea..or another way to look at it is..i didnt mean to but i guess i lied. i try to take time with people after i play but i am not really accountable for booking gigs at that time.. id love to be able to play some places for whatever was offered if i was flush ever now and then but i aint making anywhere near the money some of these young cats are getting down here who are played on these country stations who got buses and laminates and beer sponsors..i hate to break the news to ya but i am no longer a young country hunk..not that i ever was ( i was a skinny folk singer with leather pants for a while in my late 20s). anyhow, i get the last money left which means the agent gets paid before i do, the promoter or club get theirs, the band gets theirs (which i pay my guys good), my merch/ road guy, the hawk gets his, the hotels gets theirs, exxon or shell gets theirs, chilis or whole foods if they around gets theirs, the irs gets theirs and then after a bunch of other expenses, i get the old last money left.. i am not complaining at all..im doing okay, keeping my bills paid and buying an amp or guitar ever now and then.. so you see there is a lot to be considered in booking a gig and standing in a crowd of people with a sharpie and a ball cap in my hand is not the best time to talk to me about that. so i do apologize to the fellow for the misunderstanding. anyhow after all that lemme say this..it is a crazy funky business this playing music professionally and as there has been years in the past that on my income tax return i have been just above hobby status, at the present time im doing okay and im grateful that im still able to be out there scufflin and doing a version of 3 card monty with a gibson southern jumbo instead of a red ace and two black queens.. okay..what else. er..nothing right now. rwh
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:54:04 +0000

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