okay so my day started of the same as every other with the - TopicsExpress


okay so my day started of the same as every other with the exception of one tiny detail. I left for work in my Honda instead of the Traverse, but that shouldnt make a difference right, I mean they are both capable of getting me from point A to point B. Oh if only it were that simple. As most of you know I am a home health nurse which means I travel quite a bit and visit many places that I have never been. (little dirt roads with no name etc.) Well as I get to the office to begin my day I notice that my acc. outlet in my car has no power therefore i have no way to charge my gadgets. No worries my phone and garmin will last wont they?!? So the journey begins and I finish most of my day without difficulty. As I prepare to head to my last destination I realize both my cell phone and my garmin are DEAD!!! Again I think to myself no worries I can do this without technology! Now keep in mind my last destination should only be approximately 20-30 minutes away. That is however IF I knew where the hell I was going. So I set off in the general direction of my destination. I stop at the first gas station excuse me sir do you sell road maps here he responds by looking at me as though I asked him if he could sell me an illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator. Okay so I just turn and walk away, I know my temper and I see no reason to lose it so soon in the game. So now, 15 gas stations, 2 market baskets, and a Wal-Mart later, I sit in the parking lot pouring over this crisp little map that at this point is worth its weight in gold as far as Im concerned. Damn!!! it would be if the road I was looking for was actually on the map!!! New plan, I will find a payphone and have someone mapquest my location and give me directions. yes you heard right a payphone....that space modulator is sounding more and more reasonable right!!! from one end of town to the other I go, and then to the next town, and then the next. Finally a payphone!!! Now also keep in mind that I AM A GERMAPHOBE! So here I stand in the blazing heat dressed in black with gloved hands to avoid touching the phone directly trying to get directions. $4.00 in quarters later because Im calling long distance I have and idea of where Im going.......or do I? Yep as luck would have it there are two roads in this area with the same name and Im on the WRONG one!!!! aaaahhhhhhhh!! Finally 3 hours and 70 miles later I manage to piece together enough info to start heading in the general direction of my destination. At this point I have just about given up and as I get ready to concede and admit defeat the gods decided to give me a break and I see it right there OMG its my street!!!!! I slam on the brakes, make a hard right and probably get many well deserved profanities scream at me but I dont care.....I have found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!! VICTORY IS MINE!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 03:01:42 +0000

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