okk....a true life story I boarded a night bus from Lagos - TopicsExpress


okk....a true life story I boarded a night bus from Lagos during one of my trip back to benin. Everything was going on smoothly until we got to ore around 6am in the morning. We rested a bit at ore after which we continued our journey around 6:30. We never knew some robbers had joined us in the bus. moreover the motor boys as they call them wanted to do shua-shua to make some money from ore to Benin.....After a while, we realized the bus was not moving fast and 4 guys stood up.....one each at the entrance and back door and two in the middle of the bus....................The one in the middle said Robber: (quoting some words) Good morning ladies and gentlemen........hope weare enjoying the trip so far we all thought maybe he wanted to make an announcement and people didnt concentrate Robber: You see, its been a wonderful journey so far and I guess some of us are tired already. in other not to bother you much with my story, I will be passing a bag around now and all I just require from you is your phone, wrist watch, money and your wallet. Everybody was like whats this one saying Before we raised up our head, the two guys at the entrance of the door brought out their guns.....confirmed AK47. then we all realized we are in for something. Robber: Please, I will be coming to you one after the other. We are not here to hurt anyone, all we need is your maximum cooperation.Then they brought out a big Ghana must go, went to the front and back, started collecting offering from people. The most interesting part of it is, anytime they get to your sit. They will say Robber: Good Morning Sir, can you pls stand on your feet sir, Your phone sir, wrist watch....can I see your pocket pls? bring out your wallet,lemme have all the money there...Pls drop them in the bag sir.......(he will then search all over the persons body to see if the person is hiding anytyn.).....Thank You so much for your patronage sir. One started from the front while the other started from behind. We were all scared at the initial stage but it got to a stage that since we knew the protocol, u just stand up when it your turn and started dropping everytyn you have for them. It got to my turn too and after dropping the 5k in my wallet, he asked if thats all I have and I told him am a university student. He returned 1k back to me and he did same to some students in the bus. After they collected all the money and their Ghana must go filled up...they brought out abundle of N200 note and started distributing it to every one of us. Robber: We thank you so much for your cooperation and we are so sorry for any delay or inconveniences we might have caused you. Pls accept our sympathy and apology. We believe the N200 should help you get to a nearest ATM once you come down from the bus. If you feel you have any complain or feedback, you can contact us on 080..........They opened the door and jumped down... we never knew their car was following us all this while. the car moved beside our bus and they entered, then zoomed off.................. The robbery was like a film as most of us was wondering if we were actually dreaming or in a movie. Robbery with excellent customer service delivery
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 10:54:36 +0000

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