omg .....i only share this to show what the bought & paid for - TopicsExpress


omg .....i only share this to show what the bought & paid for mainstream media wont. This is what is and has been happening to God knows how many innocent Christians in Iraq & Syria with more being killed daily simply because of their choice of religious beliefs. I saw other videos as well that were even worse. THey beheaded a very young little girl in front of her parents because they would not convert to Islam. What these people are enduring is beyond what any human should ever have to at the hands of other evil humans. They are making men dig their own graves, then shoot them like these young men. They are torturing women and children in ways I dont even want to write. If it werent for other media outlets reporting what is happening, we would not know. The mainstream media is owned, by the elite, they only want Americans to know what they want us to know - everything else is hushed as if it doesnt matter because it simply does NOT fit into their agenda. We are on a need to know basis. That is why there is so so much we DONT know despite some thinking they know it all and have it all figured out. Why is the attack on Christians becoming so prominent? Im not Christian but I certainly do not condone killing them or anyone for any reason, let alone a religious one. This is just as inhumane as what Hitler did. This is a modern day religious ethnic cleansing with no end in sight. And to think that the threat that was made by ISIS was not taken serious as it has become by being reduced to simply a JV team --- well, how many other threats are going to be minimized like this one --- they say now Ebola is no threat to the USA. I suppose Ebola is considered to be a JV status level as well. Nothing in Washington DC seems to be taken very seriously -- how serious do things have to get before they will be taken seriously but not by our government, but by .................AMERICANS.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:59:59 +0000

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