on September 26, Balti, my new fourlegged friend and companion - TopicsExpress


on September 26, Balti, my new fourlegged friend and companion joined our pack (here some new photos. notice the ridge on his nose :)) ). since then.. i have been a bit quiet here.. as you might have noticed. :) it takes a while.. to get to know eachother. he never felt homesick mind you, but of course, it was all new to him. new hounds, new surroundings, new this and new that.. all very exciting.. and so much to learn ... it is almost 3 weeks now.. and i think we slowly have found a kind of routine.. which he and i follow. thank goodness he likes to sleep long in the morning :D :D :D ... mornings are for playing.. and for taking a morning walk.. and then curling up under my table ... preferably on my feet.. and sleeping whilst i work. then it is lunchtime.. and then.. another little nap.... and THEN.. work! obedience training... walking on a leash.. by heel.. and when i stop... he sits.. he is really GOOD at it.. so smart.. he gets treats and lots of encouraging words.. and after 10 minutes we stop. thats quite enough.. and THEN.. it is playing time again ... then follows an extensive nap until dinner time.. after that.. playing.. and finally.... falling into a comatose-like puppy sleep. and now.. i also have more time again for art :)) i am working on something.. a new dreamsequence.. which i hope to publish later today. HAPPY FRIDAY to all....... :) mimu
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:23:13 +0000

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