on the banks of memory their love hand stretched inside our - TopicsExpress


on the banks of memory their love hand stretched inside our heart dont ask , how their love make us mads rebel and belong to them they are honest men of what they promised allah here , i am between their attributes by my ink i am writing down a message of love and thank a message of belief a message of a valuable religion a message of twelve imams twelve are my imams and lords as aship which human can survive the messenger said if you ride it you will survive from hell in the judgment day what win will get who be friend with Ali and agreed of the prophrt speech about Almurtaza Ali whoever i am his master Ali will be his master Be submissive of what allah impose the imam almujtaba is the second imam the best human grandpa , mother and father he is an imam of justice and good act he is a one from five under Alabaa Hussain ... which language describes you on its alphabets back you stray the letters from my hand and the ink from my pen the swords revolved around the throat in Karbala and the third imam is Hussain Every eye cry him in karbala that who his blood was redeem the prophet religion , Almustafa and the two mosques the fourth is Alsajjad zin Al Abidin He is the best among worshippers much many whisper prayers for him at night which make thankful eye cry the fifth of Al taha is mentioned As muhammad that is Al Imam AlBaqir which all Knowledges are return to him He published them to every witted heart the sixth is Al Imam AlSadiq In fiqh aleafy grown branch the high science established by Jafar He is a scientist of secret, the pure one and the more reliable And the seventh is Mosa Al Imam AlKazim Hi is a patient and oppressed one who never desperate He is a gate of needs which will done by him Good qualities in life are attributable to him The eighth of Imams is Al Imam Al Riza That who in toas land was dead Asymbol of honor,no one can reached his reputation He repels the spurious life He was a child ! and which kind of child ?! He reduce dictatoricevoice to silence the ninth muhammad that is AlJawad He is aman of generous and science which aguide in it His heart contain the prophet Knowledge He was as alight which guide peopl the tenth is our Imam Al Hadi Alnaqi He is Ali AlMurtaza and the plous His lights are flash in west And his science guide people in east After them is the truthful AlASKARI His reputation in secret and declaration is known what an excellent Imam in the eleventh plous what more honorable is muhammad Alhassan the last one of pure honorable Imams who returning and promised to holy mosque that who Jesus will pray behind him mahdi Ahlulbayt who make darkness gone oh , Ahlulbayt of Allahs messanger , your love is an obligation from Allah and revealed in the Quran >>> to my twelve lords, I gift you my letters that come from unending deep love .
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:50:29 +0000

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