on the topic of the reaction in ferguson, because ive been seeing - TopicsExpress


on the topic of the reaction in ferguson, because ive been seeing a lot of things that are upsetting me on my news feed and rather than continuing to unfriend people id like to attempt to present some critical thinking points: 1) first and foremost, if you are upset about violent & aggressive protests during a time of injustice but you have nothing to say about about the institutionalized racism, the lynching and murdering and hanging and systematic killing and imprisoning and brutality that black people face on a daily basis in this country, other than yeah its horrible but, then it might be wise to take some time to reevalutate your statements. 2) its important to keep in mind that the actual, literal klu klux klan is in ferguson right now. its important to keep in mind that they have successfully used the tactics we see in ferguson currently, in the past, to frame black activism and protests as violent, destructive, and animalistic. i encourage all of you to look into what was being destroyed: mike brown sr.s church was burned down, black businesses were burned down, another black boy was found burned alive in mike browns neighborhood. for those of you saying; they shouldnt have done that. why would you destroy your own city and property and make yourself look worse? well, thats exactly the right question. why would these people be destroying their own community? it doesnt make sense, right? why would these people, who are in support of mike brown and his family, burn down his fathers church? they wouldnt. 3) regardless of the damage that WAS caused by actual protesters and not by KKK affiliates and those present to sabotage the image of ferguson, why is it an inappropriate reaction to be angry and aggressive in a situation like this? and furthermore, why is it okay when predominantly white communities and sports enthusiasts destroy their cities and set buildings and cars on fire and riot and loot just because their favorite hockey team lost? think about how the media chooses to respond to these events differently. these are exactly the kinds of things the media wants you to think, and even exactly the kinds of things the KKK is trying to accomplish. up until this point, the protests in ferguson have been peaceful and there has been minimal destruction and so where do you go from there when politeness is no longer working? what are you supposed to do when appealing to peace and harmony among races is not accomplishing anything? 4) change does not, and if so, rarely, occur through complacency. change is the opposite of complacency. RADICAL change is the opposite of politeness. returning to my first point, if you are upset about violent & aggressive protests coming from people who are trying to acheive radical change, but you consider yourself a patriotic american, and you say the pledge everyday, and you take pride in america as your country, then you are being hypocritical. america was not achieved through politely requesting that the king of england allow us to be independent. there was an entire REVOLUTION. there was a war involved in the shaping of our country. (and also a lot of other awful things like the stealing of land and the massacring of natives but thats an entirely different conversation.) so dont act like standing in the street blocking traffic with a cardboard sign is really the road to change. its only the beginning of a long, rigorous process. 5) for those criticizing mike browns mother for losing it after the verdict was read even though the statement the family released was encouraging peace: you have no right. you have ABSOLUTELY no right. her child was taken from her, murdered, and his killer (regardless of how you feel about where blame is to be placed: darren wilson is a killer point blank. he killed someone. someone IS dead because of him and that is a fact that you cannot get around) is being rewarded with over $600,000 in donations raised by the KKK, and not even being tried for the killing. so dont DARE say its an overreaction/irrational/irresponsible for a mother to be screaming bloody murder in grief for her child and the way he is being treated in his death.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:52:43 +0000

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