once again...it is not correct to say that gmos crops are simply a - TopicsExpress


once again...it is not correct to say that gmos crops are simply a next version of traditional farming. when you are gentically adding fish genes to corn genes you are crossing lines in nature that no traditional farmer who spliced plants or selectively bred animals actually did. i really think these defenders are missing this point. and in regards to the science...did neil or ezra or this woman freelancer actually read all the reserach? i am willing to consider that there is no research worth its weight in paper in regards to gmo foods and outcomes but, just looking around, the best conclusion i have so far is...most people, pro or anti-gmo do not read scientific research. even neil worshippers probably have not read very much actual research. but again...are gmo methods actually the same as traditional agriculture methods? is selective breeding of plants and animals the same as genetic mixing a fish and corn?????????????
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:59:30 +0000

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