once upon a time there was a small town in the heart of - TopicsExpress


once upon a time there was a small town in the heart of europe [and its still there] unless all historians are liars, people have lived there since the year one after being a small town in a celtic kingdom whose name was noricum en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noricum it became iuvavum, a small town in the roman empire and after the descent and fall of this empire it became part of the wonderful duchy of bavaria en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Bavaria [>>In surviving records, the Bavarian name was first mentioned historically by the Franks in a list of peoples, prepared in c. 520 AD. The first document that also describes their location (east of the Swabians) is the History of the Goths by the historian Jordanes dating from 551 AD. A remark by Venantius Fortunatus follows in his description of his travels from Ravenna to Tours (565-571) in which he had crossed the lands of the Bavarians, referring to the dangers of travel in the region: If the road is clear and if the Bavarian does not stop you … then travel across the Alps.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 22:13:10 +0000

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