one cant know the Feminine with out knowing the Masculine, that - TopicsExpress


one cant know the Feminine with out knowing the Masculine, that truth begin in history by all examples both living and non living examples, Gender study begin with the physical , it is a false fact to say it was not. “from the one are the two given birth ,and from the two are a multitude of things born” Tao as Human Beings we have a fluid dance from birth between our authentic selves which often times gets buried by modern social ideology, part of the error of modern society and our physical body and environments. The current ideology of multiple Gender take us out of this relationship,for the sake of a rationalized ideology that carries very little science. We in the west often think that our intellect is the power, it is only part of the truth of reality, for there are many unseen elements in our daily lives that effect us , does one see the wind? Or the effects of the wind? Perhaps the effect,with the Human eye any way, and just as wind our authentic selves can only be seen through movement and action or expression. Our Rainbows challenge has always been wrapped in this equation, society for centuries have utilized only visual examples as guides to the expressions and examples of Femininity and Masculinity, but Humankind has now come to understand that this is not simply a physical thing or reality to be observed, it is as well as a inner part of the Human being or Authentic self, so now the few wish to take this to the extremist of our Rainbows journey is separate from our physical bodies, that holds no science, no support theologically nor philosophy, it carries no support of Human kinds history of this study, and the west focuses upon what they do, ignoring the thousands of years of study of the Dance of Femininity and Masculinity of the East, out of ignorance and false pride, this was the same arrogance that flowed with Colonization, we are right you are less then, it is time the West grew up. Humanity has loads of documented sound science of this dance within Humanity, and it is this very dance of Binary that is our Rainbows journey. The ideology of mutli gender strips the history of the study of gender from its roots into some thing it should not be as it does not flow with the Universe, and above all Human kind is very much apart of its environment. Gender or Femininity and Masculinity play their part both physically and Authentically , and our Rainbows Journey is found within how that Dance of Femininity and Masculinity plays out within us between our authentic selves and our body’s, the two can not be separated if one still wish to still claim science, a gay male is happy a male who is expressive of femininity to some measure,and seeks masculinity in other males, that’s a fluid dance of Masculinity and Femininity within Humanity, even straight men express this reality as not all males that are straight are masculine,some are feminine, and like our Rainbows Lesbian and Gay men .straight women also display this but in a reflection of opposites, the Feminine expressing to some measure Masculinity. We want straight society to understand us, then we need definitions that truly match and is understandable by straight society, suggesting there are multiple Genders is not sound and will not lead us to this as the science its self is unsound. To utilize Gender as a new understanding we need to drop the connection of leaving out the physical, gender of both are in play and should not be separated, gender its self then needs to be expressed as a dance between physical and authentic-self, for human journey is no one or the other, but is both.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:24:11 +0000

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