one more my friends By Dot Sutton© Moon 21-10-06 The snow - TopicsExpress


one more my friends By Dot Sutton© Moon 21-10-06 The snow was coming down faster than ever, the wind was blowing strongly, and the young girl had extra thick blankets with her as she set off towards the mountains. She came to a cave and went deep inside it; she saw four wolves in there that started snarling at her for invading their space. Then she looked at them saying, I am not here to do any harm my friends, please let me stay for a little while. One of the wolves came over to her and started to sniff her, he then looked at the others and gave one bark to them, she spread out her blankets and laid down as the wolves laid around her to keep her warm. It was in the morning when she left the cave; she looked the wolves and spoke to them knowing that one of them could understand every word she was saying. After she left, the wolves carried the blanket with them and set off on their journey, they went to the old woman who said, you have brought me a blanket and I thank you for it as it’s getting much too cold for these old bones of mine. She got a shock when she went to pick it up, then a smile spread across her face as she said, I should have known it wouldn’t be empty. Not too far away the tribe was going about their daily things, they heard a scream and knew it was Young Buck having her child; they waited to see what it would be. The chief so much wanted a son but had two daughters and now just found out he has three, he was so disappointed but loved his daughters very much. Maybe we are not meant to have a son he told his wife, but the old woman said when I was a young boy, I would have a boy. Looks like she was wrong my father one of his daughters said, and mother cannot have any more or it will kill her. Little Moon sat there holding her baby sister, she was fourteen years old, her other sister was sixteen. Her older sister was too busy going after young boys to take any notice of her baby sister, her name was Black Mist. The young girl sat thinking about her own baby whom she couldn’t tell anyone about, she wondered if the wolves had been taking care of it. She went to the mountains and saw the wolves still there, but there was no sign of her baby, she thought it had died. Is this who you are looking for? A voice called out, he is quite safe as the wolves brought him to me. He is very handsome the girl said as she looked the child, who is her son, I had to leave him or there would have been a great deal of trouble if anyone had found out about him the girl told the older woman. Yes I know all about it the older woman replied, but you must come and see your son whenever you can as you must get to know him and love him. Oh I DO love him but cannot tell anyone about him, I will come as often as I can the girl told her, for I want him to know who I am and why I had to leave him. Four years went by and mother and son spent many hours together, she told him everything as her son was very intelligent, and understood everything she was telling him. Little Moon sat with her little sister, she loved being with her and began to teach her things, her name was Great Cloud. The little boy often sat at the edge of the woods watching the tribe, Great Cloud saw him and they became good friends. One day, she brought him to meet her parents and the woman put her finger to her lips for him not to say anything, he nodded at her. Where is your tribe? The chief ask him. Oh they are very near the boy replied, but I must go now or I will get into trouble for being away, then he ran off. There is something about that boy the chief said, I like him and feel close to him, but I don’t know why. Great Cloud was a sly little girl and was very nasty to other children when no grown up was near, she wanted the boy for herself and wouldn’t let any other child near him. When he found out about it, he went mad at her. You do not own me he told her; I will do what I want and talk to who I want as you cannot stop me. They had a big row about it and he stormed off in anger, he told the older woman about her and said he will stay away from Great Cloud. That is the best thing to do my child as she will only get you into trouble the older woman told him. The young woman came to him saying my son, did you push Great Cloud into the water? No mother I didn’t, then told her what she is doing, I walked away from her last week and have not seen her since as I am staying away from her. I have found out a few things about her lately my son and don’t like it; I will talk to the others about it his mother said. You need to talk to everyone about other things too the older woman told her. What other things? She asks. Other things, like you must tell them you have a son of your own the older woman replied, before it’s too late as Great Cloud is going to do something really bad and will blame your son for it. NO! I cannot tell anyone about him just yet she cried out; I have to wait for his father to say it’s ok. I have warned you my child, now it’s up to you if you can save your son or not the older woman called as she was walking away. Great Cloud saw the boy swimming in the water, she sat on the edge of the river and started talking to him, he walked away from her when he got out and she followed him. She fell down the mountain and he didn’t know as he had gone by then, she went back to her tribe and broke down. The boy was brought before the tribe and the chief said, Great Cloud tells us you have done things to her, is this true? I have never touched her he answered, and then told him about the way she has been with him. That is a lie Great Cloud shouted, you did rude things to me, and I told you it was wrong, but you wouldn’t stop. WHAT! How can you say that Great Cloud knowing in your heart it is not the truth he cried out. I wish to talk to your mother or father the chief said, will you tell me who they are and where your tribe is? I cannot do that chief the boy answered, what I have told you is the truth, and it is up to you who you believe. The chief looked at his younger daughter saying, is this truth of what you have told me my daughter? If is a game you’re playing then tell me now. Let me look at your daughter the medicine woman said, I will tell you if this boy has touched her or not. Ok I was joking Great Cloud told him, I didn’t mean any harm, I fell down the mountain. I am so ashamed to call you my daughter if this is how you have turned out the chief told her, It will take me a long time to forgive you for this. I am sorry my father as I didn’t mean to upset anyone, I was only joking she cried. What if I’d have said I would punish this boy, would you have stood up and spoke the truth my daughter? Or would you have him suffer for something he didn’t do? It’s his own fault my father, he belongs to me as I love him she cried out, I have feelings for him. The feelings you have for him, is not love Great Cloud, is it a closeness you feel for him little Moon said. And how would YOU know my sister, for you never bother with anyone so you don’t know what love is either Great Cloud shot back. I am so sorry my father, for what I am about to tell you, will be a shock little Moon replied. When I was thirteen, I knew someone who was in love with Good Looking Horse who you all know, died. That girl was heartbroken when she heard and was nearly fourteen before he died and they went together for the first and last time, she was in shock at his death but soon found out she was with his child. Why are you telling me all this my daughter, what has it to do with me? The chief ask. I was right after all chief, three girls and a boy the older woman said. But we don’t have a boy the chief told her, we only have three daughters. Little Moon looked at him saying my father, I was that young girl who loved good Looking Horse, this is your grandson, Howling Wolf. WHAT! Oh my daughter how you must have suffered alone her mother cried out, why you didn’t tell us. I didn’t want you to hate me and thought they might be trouble with both tribes if I said anything, so I kept it a secret all these years but have been seeing my son little Moon told her. So this is my grandson to a voice called out, they turned to see Good Looking Horse father standing there. I have lost my only son, please don’t let me lose my only grandson too, please let me get to know him Old Feather said. Howling Wolf walked over to him saying, I have two grandfathers and a grandmother, what more could I ask for. How about another grandmother the older woman called out. But Old feather lost his wife after losing his son little Moon called back. Yes he did, but she didn’t die as you thought little Moon, she is very much alive. How do you know all this the chief ask her? Because I am, his grandmother, I am Old Feathers wife she replied. Please can you forgive me for the way I have been with you Great Cloud ask, for I cannot be in love with my cousin? Of course I do he answered, but I get to duck you under the water next time he told her, and they both laughed together. Howling Wolf grew up to be a wonderful chief; he was very good to his people and had three boys, and one girl. The End
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:56:46 +0000

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