#onpoli #qcpoli The #Liberals scream... me me me me me! The - TopicsExpress


#onpoli #qcpoli The #Liberals scream... me me me me me! The premiers of Ontario and Quebec have announced that they will try to block a proposed oil pipeline from Alberta to New Brunswick. They’re threatening to put up legal and political drawbridges between the provinces, unless it meets their political demands. If you need help seeing how outrageous that is, try that sentence again, switching the provinces around. “The premier of Alberta has announced he will block anything that Ontario and Quebec send across Alberta by railway or highway, that’s destined to Vancouver for export to Asia.” Really, what’s the difference? If Ontario and Quebec can impede a pipeline, simply because it crosses their borders, why can’t Alberta or (or Saskatchewan) block whatever Ontario and Quebec wants to ship to the Port of Vancouver? The Fathers of Confederation foresaw that possibility when they designed our Constitution in 1867. They wisely gave jurisdiction over national and international issues, like railways and ports, to the federal government, which looks out for the whole country. Pipelines fall under the same category. You’d think Philippe Couillard, the premier of Quebec, would know that. Quebecers always complain about federal incursions into provincial jurisdiction. But Couillard has cooked up seven demands he wants met before he will permit the pipeline to cross his holy territory. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne explained why she was blocking the pipeline – needed by both Alberta oil producers and New Brunswick’s refinery industry. “We believe that from the centre of the country we are giving Canadians the leadership that is much needed.” Leadership? Wynne’s Liberals have turned the once-great economic engine of Ontario into a have-not province. It has the highest debt of any Canadian province and most U.S. states. Unemployment has been higher than the national average for more than seven years. But she feels the rest of the country is eager for her job-killing blockade. Couillard and Wynne want their “fair share” from the project. In the name of the environment, of course. But what of the environment? A pipeline is the safest way ever devised to move oil. There are tens of thousands of miles of oil and gas pipelines in Canada already. Every house in Canada that uses natural gas has a little pipeline going into it. And every house has another pipeline, taking sewage out. An environmental alarmist could call the first one “explosive” and the second one “toxic,” which is true. But both actually improve the environment, and are safer than any alternative. Wynne and Couillard both demand that the “carbon footprint” of the proposed pipeline be examined. But a pipeline doesn’t have much of a carbon footprint – any more than any other construction project does. It’s basically a steel pipe that’s buried in the ground. Energy East will make use of some preexisting pipelines that are currently underutilized. The pipeline itself has a negligible carbon footprint. What the Liberals are saying is different, though. They want to use the pipeline to attack the source of the oil itself – Alberta’s oilsands. They say as much. In a way, the pipeline is merely a hostage – used to get at the hated Alberta. Hated, because that’s where the jobs and the money are, and that’s increasingly where young Ontarians and Quebecers have to go to find good work. But here’s a question posed by Saskatchewan’s premier, Brad Wall, who has become a champion of the project. Why have Ontario and Quebec never done a carbon analysis of the oil they’re importing right now? Energy East only does one thing: it swaps out foreign, imported oil, including from OPEC dictatorships, and replaces it with Canadian ethical oil. The massive Irving Refinery in New Brunswick is not sitting idle now. It’s burning conflict oil. Like most Quebecers and many Ontarians do. Why have Couillard and Wynne never opposed OPEC oil, and the tankers that import them? Why have they never called for an environmental levy on Saudi oil? Easy. They know they’d never be able to tax OPEC. And they’re Liberals – to them, “national leadership” means demonizing Alberta. - Ezra Levant sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/straighttalk/archives/2014/11/20141130-081346.html
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:02:18 +0000

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