onsdags .. تلقى قدس الأب أنطوني صباغ - TopicsExpress


onsdags .. تلقى قدس الأب أنطوني صباغ مكالمة هاتفية من عضو الكونغرس الأمريكي شارلز دينت وأكد له بأن المطران بولس يازجي والمطران ابراهيم يوحنا يتمتعون بصحة جيدة وبأمان ولم يعلن عن معرفته بمكان تواجدهم ومن قام بخطفهم وهذه نص الرسالة المرسلة للمطران فيليب وللمطران نقولا لإعلامهم بالأمر ,, Dear our beloved Metropolitan Philip and our own Bishop Nickolas, With a heart filled with Joy, I share with you a great news I just received concerning the well being and good health of our abducted Metropolitan Paul Yazigi and Bishop John Ibrahim. Half an hour ago, I have received a phone call from my friend Congressman Charles Dent of PA. I quote:”Fr. Anthony the State Department Just called me five minutes ago and told me that Metropolitan Paul Yazigi and bishop Ibrahim are healthy and well. As to where they are or who holds them we have no information.” I inquired from the Congressman Dent if this news is genuine and if I have his permission to quote him. He responded with joy positively yes. For confirmation of the facts I am giving you the Congressman phone for verification: 1-202-226-9928. My eternal love, Your obedient spiritual son, V. Rev. Fr. Anthony Sabbagh
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 19:04:07 +0000

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