ooc:Some of her story. Not an open RP. Her fingers though - TopicsExpress


ooc:Some of her story. Not an open RP. Her fingers though polished in a deep french crimson red managed to dig their way into the confines of his shoulders, have him bleed with the stench of death all vampires carried inside their veins when thousands upon thousands of years old as he was. Its not working... She shoved him slightly backwards whilst she tried to catch her breath and once again bear some self control that women of that century seemed to have back then. Nothing is working! Not this, not that, am I to suffer repeating that single day inside my head over and over until it drives me insane? What than? I have no end until everything and everyone is dead. The blood tipped fingers of each of her hands found their way through her straw mess of hair created from their rather animalistic heated act. Her eyes that glowed like the bluest of seas conveyed in the shine of a full moon along the surface were filled with frustration and uncertainty. Did she turn to him for more aid then he had supplied or was she giving up on everything? Godric hadnt bestowed her with any shred of violence, only what she had asked of him thirty years later after the night they first met in Paris, France, in 1793 during his time grooming Eric Northman, his progeny. Godric as a human was completely unknown to even Serfim. However, for the first 1,000 years he lived as a vampire, he was a violent, bloodthirsty savage with no regard for human life. He was also a believer in moral nihilism, as he taught his progeny that there was no right or wrong, only survival, or death. However, he abandoned this belief in later life when he crossed the fallen of whom he shared this part of both his and her tale with. She was the reason that as centuries went by Godric began to sympathize with humanity all more and other forms of life. Chased as she had been for years no longer existed, and though many women of the highest order would frown down upon her bedding a vampire of the oldest sorts as she had done in the streets so to cease her mind in replaying the day she was turned into a one of a kind creature she now was. I had hoped that all of this would end it, have me so completely consumed in sin like a human that the trigger in my head, the cloak that always ticked, always counted down to showing me my mortal death would stop it but no, no, no. She shook her head again and again before she came to crouch down on the pavement the sidewalk supplied her with. There is another thing we can try Serafim, do not give up hope, have faith. She felt his ice cold hand tuck under her chin before he would have it rise and force her in the most elegant of ways to look him in the eye. Drink from me. Drink from you? There in her sweetened tone lay confusion mixed with doubt that the blood of a vampire even as old as he was would aid her into drowning out the visions of the very day her human life was sniffed out for good and replaced with something else she wasnt at all comfortable in being. It is said to give mortals an unbelievable high, perhaps it well give you one also and with it take the pain that you felt from your first death decades ago and bring about a form of joy, an uplifting sensation in its place. Now drink. His words fell into a rhythmic rhythm and with it his pupils began to dilate. Serafim had little to no experience with the glamoring ways of a vampire but it appeared her undead human half could be taken advantage of and so she turned his wrist in her weakened yet shaky grasp, her eyes that pooled of the bluest turquoise to never veer away from his glare. Just a little... She tried to coach herself into excepting what he was offering in a dominate manner. The idea of drinking blood even a vampires made her stomach knot and twist which lead to a feeling of wanting to vomit but alas Serafim did not eat, did not drink like mortals, demons and other various creatures she had yet to cross the path of, what she was forbid her to intake such things, and so she had nothing at all to bring up at that particular moment in time. Ripe cherry red lips parted merely a number of inches, wrapped around a small section of his cold hard flesh before she began to suck what remained on the surface after the gash along his wrist began to close and therefore heal. It took every bit of her willpower to keep it down and then some, the tip of her tongue to tingle and taste the dirty copperness of his blood and ingest only a few drops of it before trying to retreat backwards from him and it. Youll need more than that. He replied to her efforts to pull away and the helplessness that shone in her eyes before he sliced into his neck with his only other free hand that bore five sharp nails. Her eyes bubbled with nothing but fear, widened at yet again having to undertake more of his life fluids. Please no more. She spoke but a few words when she detached from his wrist and stared him dead in the eyes. The urgency to bring up what was already ingested had already began to plague her, an action of dry-reaching to arise and have her ladylike tendencies to die out completely. Serafim, you are forced to relay your mortal death everyday for an hour in your own head, let me help you, let me at least try to remove your pain and stress by giving you a high in its place. You have nothing to lose in trying, nothing at all. She wanted to believe him, wanted to try but it was harder when her faith in anyone even herself was frail at best. Serafim drink. He urged her again and with it took to the back of her head, balling his fist in her raven dark locks, bringing her forwards and bringing her face up to the side of his neck in which bleed. Drink Serafim! Do not make me tell you again! She could not draw in any more of his life elixir for it all became far too much for her to bear, the confines of her stomach had already began to swirl and bring on the sensation of uncertainty of what she had already ingested in remaining down. I SAID NO! She yelled, forced her voice to be invaded by his ears alone before the blinding light escaped her right hand and plummeted down along her finger tips hitting the man whom had only been trying to help her. Even though Godric had been holding onto the backs of her head and forced her mouth down on to his flesh to further suckle on the blood he had both offered and demanded her to take, his strength did not measure her own when she used such a power on him, and so she slipped through his finger tips. Im sorry. Her words were shaky at best and broke free of her mouth the sheer second the vampires back hit the brick wall of another building that helped to structure the narrow alleyway the two of them had come to reside in for the past number of hours. I ...I didnt mean it. The hand in which had been used to carry such an angelic and powerful ability now dulled its light until it became non existent. Even after all this time I still cant control it. Godric remained where he was, hunched over slightly, his expression shone of both surprise and pain at what actions the one that he carried in his heart had displayed. Serafim, I was only trying to help you into diminishing the visions of your first death by replacing it with a high a vampires blood can only give. His tone was low and almost dark, it didnt disturb her at all but rather made her feel a little uncomfortable for still finding it alluring even after all the years she had known him and bedded him, even after what she had just done to him. I know, I know. She felt ashamed of herself at having yet again forced the vampire to endure her existence and deal with her curse as though it was his own to bear. It will be light soon. He added and she knew what it meant. Once the strings of the light of a new day hit a vampires skin it would bubble and boil as if its flesh was dipped in acid. It would take only a little while for the suns effect to course its body to explode, erupt similar to a volcano. Its eyes, fingernails, ears and mouth would ooze blood in the first hour, the bones to begin dissolving in the second, and in the third everything that had made that creature such a cold beauty would rot, decay at a rapid rate seconds before every fiber of its being would combust. Godric never risked the chance of getting caught in the light of day in the turn of the new century, he even went as far as heading back to ground two hours, sometimes even five before sunrise because he didnt want the possibility of dying in such a horrible manner to become reality, and even more so since he created his progeny Eric Northman of whom Serafim had yet to meet. More then half the population of the vampire species believed that death by sunlight was the most excruciating way to die on the planet but then again vampires were known for being a little more dramatic as opposed to other supernaturals as Serafim had come to realize over the decades. Godric I am sorry... Her voice was soft and ever so sweet, she knew how to change her tone to better sway the monsters of the world to her liking and it seemed now she was doing just that to the one that loved and adored her. I have ingested a fair amount of your blood... She continued to speak whilst crawling over to where it was he rested on both her hands and her knees. If it is to work then it will but Godric, my sweet Godric, I can feel my body hardening, I havent fed in six days, I need to draw in another creatures life essence... to reframe from turning to stone twenty four hours from now. Serafim existence was a very complex one at that and Godric knew it even as she placed herself perfectly in front of the vampire of whom she now begged to with just a mere look in her eyes. Let me feed on you and in return I will owe you anything. Twisting her skinny fingers around the collar of his blackened and now extremely filthy jacket Serafim pushed herself up against him much like a cat rubbing against its master. Let me. She spoke and added a quiver of her bottom lip before he nodded his head and caved to her will.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:08:39 +0000

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