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((open rp)) note: please ask if you can join, read the last few replies to know what happened or ask, send a good and detailed bio. genre: Action, Sci-fi, war, Name: Zaphyre Emerald Age: 18 Gender: female Personality: Zaphyre is a calm person who’d rather think allot before taking actions, but despite her ultra-calmness she can drive people mad sometimes, making them think she doesn’t care nor wants to get in action, while she actually had everything planed out, even when it seems to go wrong. Zaphyre takes the whole world and everything evolving around it very serious since she feels like she is one of those people who is maybe able to change the world a bit. She is strict with some things and especially rules, mostly the rules to keep her friends safe. Looks: Zaphyre wears a military style of clothing most of the times, with the dark colours and when she goes around the city to ‘patrol’ she wears a gas mask that only covers hall her face. On her left arm she wears a band with a howling wolf in it and she keeps it on at all times. Past: Zaphyre grew up in the big city Tokyo and had always noticed how the world turned out into a sick and wrong place, the politics, the ignorant citizens, everything seemed to make her sick and only hate the world. She then decided to form a silent rebellion RWR (Red Winged Rebellion) with her friends, she then soon found herself leading one of the biggest rebellions ever. The RWR was known over the world in the new generation. And was slowly making its move every time and eve time they would succeed. The RWR is made to go against the politics and laws, but between them there were also others who formed a rebellion meant to go against the RWR. __________________________________________________________ Starter: Zaphyre walked through the massive crowd, making her way to somewhere and nowhere at the same time. Unnoticed she would stick their logos to buildings and monuments, at the same time her companions would do the same, sticking logos to building and claiming ground as territory. No one noticed them and no one would have, all the members have been doing this for so many years that they have become a group in a crowd, blending in perfectly. Her eyes scanned the zone, thinking about a next place to claim, most of the places were already claimed and she wanted to prevent clashing with other rebels. After a few minutes of brainstorming, she then came up with a place, how was she so stupid not to think if this one earlier, she and grinned walking to her destination. Looking up at the huge red and white monument she now stood in front Tokyo tower, the high building was the centre of attention and also one of the best placed the claim. Zaphyre walked to the tower and started to climb it, so smooth and elegantly she easily reached up till ten meters, somehow no one seemed to notice her or even see her as she climbed up. Letting go with one hand she let herself hang on the monument as she looked down at the ground at all the pedestrians, they looked quite weak and small from up high. Zaphyre chuckled as she took out one last logo and made it stick onto Tokyo tower, she climbed down and jumped down the last few meters, swiftly she landed on both feet as a few pedestrians stumbled aside and shook their head as they looked at her. Zaphyre walked away from the tower and had mixed up with the crowd again, no one noticed her actions and if they didn’t they would shrug and walk on. With this achievement she knew that their plan would soon start, the plan to change Tokyo and then the rest of the world.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:06:13 +0000

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