or also called Ponytail palm is easy to grow - if you grow it in a - TopicsExpress


or also called Ponytail palm is easy to grow - if you grow it in a sunny place or at least in a place with as much light as its possible. Its said to be a plant it and forget it kind of plant. By the way, the bulbous stems (trunks) can store water, so the plant wont need too much water. Keep soil evenly moist only if the plant is placed in a sunny place (the leaves will turn to red, but its not any evidence of disease or errors in the cultivation). At any other conditions, persuade yourself always before watering, if its needed to be watered, in order not to overwater the plant. During the winter season, cut back water to once monthly and always let soil dry out between waterings. Choose for your plant rather warm conditions - optimally 21oC, but if they are exposed to prolonged colder conditions - during winter, they will stand the lower temperatures - around 7oC. During summer, nolina can be exposed in the garden. During growing you will see that the leaf edges will brown. Its a result of very low humidity. Neither this one isnt a result of disease and it isnt overly important. You can cut off the all dried out tips on leaves. As many other plants, also nolina will need some nutrients to grow well, so feed the plant once every 2 weeks in spring and summer with a general fertilizer. Feeding during winter must be reduced. If its needed you can repot your plant. Follow this very easy rule: while your plant is young and small, it will need repotting every year. More older and bigger your plant is, the rarely it will need repotting. In this case, choose rather wider than higher (a bowl-like) flowerpot. Remember also, taht the plant thrives well when slightly underpotted. This species is an extremely slow-growing plant, so dont worry your small plant will transform soon into a excellent exemplar during one or two vegetations. In this video Nolina is 180cm high. hoya.sk/rady-a-tipy/1313-nolina-qslonia-nohaq #flowers #plants #kvety #rastliny #flora #zahradkar #interiorplants
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:55:30 +0000

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