our Hope It pains that Tsvangirai the former hope of Democracy - TopicsExpress


our Hope It pains that Tsvangirai the former hope of Democracy and free Zimbabwe is facing his difficult days ever , considering the fact that the writing is on the wall , sooner or later the former trade unionist cum politician has to vacate the presidency of the MDC , he might try to work a delay plan now but the writing is on the wall the man will have to go , having successfully changed the internal constitution to have 3 terms as leader and considering the results he has in his trophy cabinet it is only logical for the former majority party and biggest opposition party in Zimbabwe to start talking of a new leader. The issue that Mangoma raised is very vital though I personally don’t think Mangoma himself has what it takes to be the President of the party but history will record him as the first person to publicly tell the “Main actor” to step aside, brave indeed obviously it was a very silly political decision for him to do because the Tsvangirai Brand is too big to go against no matter what substance your argument might hold. his political future is on its fast track to the grave , he should have learnt from Welshman and company, Simba Makoni and Company and all those who dared challenge powerful Brands that it will be the end of your political life, this is politics not some social clubs were you just utter your views, they are many graves worldwide that are there because of politics I had hope Mangoma would have known that before choosing such a decision but if he truly knows his fate then Kudos to him, history will definitely take note of him and we will be needing more man like him in the future. Morgan Tsvangirai just Like Robert Mugabe are big Political Brands that requires serious planning and strategizing to dislodge them from their respective positions because naturally if you just remove them like that then they go with the whole system, and of the two political parties Zanu has grasped this very well as they well know that removing Mugabe as its leader either way will bring more harm to them, truly speaking I doubt they will be any Zanu pf if Mugabe has gone. Due to Desperation on part of the general people and serious lack of real selfless leaders in Zimbabwe and Africa in general they tend to be Cultism in our politics were leaders in any form of power develops mechanisms that makes it impossible for him to be replaced or at least challenged on operational matters, these people have developed this with the generality of people not recognising that is why you see a political party having a Surname of someone and goes on to win a majority at the General elections, this is why you have a party having a 90 year old running for a presidential term and winning two thirds majority , that is why you find someone being referred to as life president on open platforms , that is why you see these people being more powerful than the organisational constitution because they are the supreme rulers . Nevertheless we are in Africa and these things are our culture we have to live with it, Most of us know that Mangoma was used by Biti and renewal advocates in the main stream MDC it’s apparently clear that Biti has presidential ambitions which is not bad for any politician. My biggest question is who should be the Next MDC President? , who is good enough to shoulder people’s hopes of the promised new Zimbabwe. Should we give the button to the temperamental SG?, Should we give the button to a former Rhodesian white supremacist cum MDC treasure General ?, should we give it to Zimbabwe’s biggest multi-millionaire in Masiwa ? Should we give it to little Known Mangoma?, or should we simply elevate the present vice president to take over ? . My simple answer is that young Chamisa should take charge, Yes Chamisa, he has much Charisma and the young man can definitely carry our hopes. Word filtering through from the Tsvangirai camp is that even himself Tsvangirai have no problem in having Chamisa as the party leader then Tsvangirai becomes the presidential candidate for the party in 2018. Definitely this plan is a good one for all the pro Tsvangirai advocates but I only have one problem with it it means a new Zimbabwe will be delayed until 2022 , Tsvangirai being a proven serial looser will again loose in 2018 to probably a 94 year old Mugabe. Chamisa has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he can lead and do away with the cultism that Tsvangirai has caused in party, Chamisa being a devout Christian who is not shy to preach the gospel at any given forum is a truly modelled leader whom I believe will lead us to the Promised land, just like the biblical Joshua did, yes Tsvangirai started the Journey but he has to pass the button because time and results demand so. In Chamisa we may have a sound proactive opposition that will finally remove Zanu from the throne. Besides Chamisa is not radicalised like what Biti is, we don’t need radicalism in this 21st century we have lost enough friends and relatives in this fight. Chamisa is generally accepted on both sides i.e the Zanu side and the Democratic forces for change, Zimbabwe needs to be bridged due to the divisions caused by the cultic Mugabe and Tsvangirai, we necessarily don’t have to be enemies due to divergent views, and what best a leader can bridge us than Chamisa a religious man who understands the need of unity and oneness always. America the world’s powerful nation was built on the true values of Christianity and religion, China as well as Japan. The early we understand that we need leaders that preach oneness, peace and development, a leader that is moderate to the wholeness of us all , it is high time we move away from these radical leaders we find in Mugabe, Tsvangirai, most Zanu elements and to some extend Biti. We do not need radicalism in expression it’s far too detrimental to our nation. It is for the same radicalism that we have wasted more than 10 years of development because our radical president was busy fighting everything western even what is universally good for all of us and on the other side our opposition leader was busy fighting everything Zanu pf and in turn the nation suffered unrecoverable damage. It is of my calling that we discourage a Biti presidency that will be characterised by rage and revenge in the opposition and also discourage any other elements within Zanu. Visionary people can see that Chamisa is the future his ascendency is divine inspired and maybe we might have a long awaited New Zimbabwe.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:34:21 +0000

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