our first week over . i need some sleep , Mellissa needs some - TopicsExpress


our first week over . i need some sleep , Mellissa needs some sleep , Saturday nights going to be a quiet one for us , bugger, I really like Saturday nights too . So far this week we have managed to open up which was a bit touch and go but we have managed to keep up with our customers ( sort of). Mellissas sorting out the front and i am trying to get used to my new machinery and maybe we are making headway and maybe we are kidding ourselves but we finished the week and hopefully we havent upset too many people with our lack of produce or our being so disorganised . today we opened up on a Saturday and while i was in the bakery , Frances was in the kitchen and Mellissa was in the shop with two juniors which should have been plenty of people but guess what , we forgot to train the juniors properly and only found out about it when it got busy and it was too late .so we did what any normal person would do , we panicked ! juniors can be trained up in a half hour , who knew ? Our juniors were calmer under pressure than we were so maybe we should let them run the shop next week .(hope they dont read this). Anyway people of Moora , I hope you came and saw us , i hope you enjoyed the experience and i hope you forgive us if we seemed a bit fawlty towerish , we will improve , it wont happen overnight but it will happen. I just weighed myself and i have lost four kilos so i guess something good came out of this week ,( strangely though i dont look any better) Anyway guys I hope we see you next week in our little shop.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:08:11 +0000

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