our foreign language teacher meetings for this school year has - TopicsExpress


our foreign language teacher meetings for this school year has begun. and here`s my opinion, we all come from different life experiences, different educational backgrounds, different career experiences and we all have different principles in life (we all even have different friends and different clicks) but the bottom line is: no one is perfect. we do the best we can with what works for our situation. we are entitled to our own opinions, we are of free mind and of free will. however and i have said this many many times, our words and our tone is very important. again, no one is perfect, we all have our unique style of doing what we do. i think when we are younger and in our 20`s, we are full of many stuff: full of hope, full of dreams, full of goals, full of motivation, full of inspiration, full of everything and anything is possible. some may consider this attitude full of whatever but its true isnt? when we are young, we think the skys the limit and we think life is what we make it and we believe live life to the fullest. isnt this all the quotes we wrote in our jostens senior year books and also in our yearbooks. but when we grow up and when we get older and when we become wiser from learning from our mistakes, we realize, life is tougher, it takes hard work and it takes time. anyway, my point was at this meeting, one of the teachers said, no one is perfect, i totally agree, for me, personally, i dont claim to be perfect, i just claim to be good at what i work hard at doing. i learn from my mistakes and i try again. i also shared that i am not fault-finding of others only of myself. i am also not in competition with others, only with myself. in other words, everyday, i seriously deal with my own issues. i continue to adjust, fix, learn and work on doing better for tomorrow. i will not nitpick at others and i will not judge others, i will always share the positive and good qualities of others. however, i do make a mental note to self of the negatives for future reference. just in case the time comes where all the unreasonable negatives are presented on my behalf then and only then, will i share my other opinions. the world is tough as it is with other issues, it would be nice just to be nice with people. again, no one is perfect, yet there are those in this world that forget that when when they are not the one in the hot seat, its so easy for them to judge. i will always believe in: think before you speak. choose your words wisely. watch your tone. at least thats how i try to lead my day, everyday. just sharing...
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:29:59 +0000

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